В предложении с отрицанием (negative sentence) обычно используется утвердительный (positive) вопросительный тэг:
В утвердительном предложении (positive sentence) используется вопросительный тэг с отрицанием
Значение вопросительного тэга зависит от, того, как вы его произносите.
Если голос понижается, вы не задаете вопрос,
а только спрашиваете у собеседника согласия с вашим мнением:
Tom doesn't look very well today, does he? `
Но если голос повышается, то это настоящий вопрос:
You haven't seen Ann today, have you? No, I'm afraid not.
8.They are not going to the cinema now,
3.They helped you a lot, _____________?
4.He was crying, _________________?
5.Mary has not visited London, _________ ?
6.You are working abroad,__________?
7.He will go there, ________________?
isn’t he
are they
didn´t they
wasn´t he
has she
aren´t you
won´t he
does’nt she
4. You´re married, ____________
2. He comes every Friday, ____________
5. You went to Tom´s last weekend, ____________
7. He hasn’t lived here long,____________
8. They have travelled a lot, ____________
Choose the correct question tag for each gap
isn´t it?
did she?
has he?
doesn´t he?
6. You don´t like tripe soup, ___________
aren´t you?
haven´t they?
didn´t you?
Open the door
He can not ski,
Finish the sentenses
will it?
wasn‘t I?
can‘t she?
were you?
Finish the sentenses
isn‘t he?
are they?
shan‘t we?
can’t you?
aren‘t they?
can‘t he?
wasn‘t she?
hasn‘t it?
don‘t you?
doesn‘t she?
did not they?
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