Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Простые времена, практика

Present Simple to read ед. ч. мн.ч.1. I read 1. We read2. You read 2. You read3. He reads 3. They read She reads It reads

Слайд 1Simple Tenses

Simple Tenses

Слайд 2Present Simple
to read
ед. ч. мн.ч.
1. I read 1. We read
2. You read 2. You read
3. He reads 3.

They read
She reads
It reads
Present Simple		to read			ед. ч.			мн.ч.1.	I read				1. We read2.	You read			2. You read3.	He reads			3. They read 	She reads	It reads

Слайд 3 to be
ед. ч. мн.ч.
1. I am 1. We are
2. You are 2. You are
3. He is 3. They

She is
It is

to be			ед. ч.			мн.ч.1.	I am				1. We are2.	You are				2. You are3.	He is				3. They are	She is	It is

Слайд 4Past Simple
to make
ед.ч. мн.ч.
1. I made 1. We made
2. You made 2. You made

He made 3. They made
She made
It made

Past Simple					to make							ед.ч.				мн.ч.	1. I 	made			1. We made	2. You made			2. You made	3. He	made			3. They made		She	made		It 	made

Слайд 5 to work
ед.ч. мн.ч.
1. I work ed 1. We worked
2. You worked 2. You worked
3. He

worked 3. They worked
She worked
It worked
to work			ед.ч.				мн.ч.	1. I work	ed			1. We worked	2. You worked		2. You worked	3. He worked			3. They worked	  She worked

Слайд 6 to be
ед. ч. мн.ч.
1. I was 1. We were
2. You were 2. You were
3. He was 3. They

She was
It was

to be			ед. ч.			мн.ч.1.	I was				1. We were2.	You were			2. You were3.	He was				3. They were	She was	It was

Слайд 7Future Simple
to say
ед.ч. мн.ч.
1. I shall say 1. We shall say
2. You will say 2. You

will say
3. He will say 3. They will say
She will say
It will say
Future Simple					to say			ед.ч.				мн.ч.1.		I shall say			1. We shall say2.	You will say			2. You will say3.	He will say			3. They will

Слайд 8 to be
ед. ч. мн.ч.
1. I shall be 1. We shall be
2. You will be 2. You

will be
3. He will be 3. They will be
She will be
It will be

to be			ед. ч.			мн.ч.1.	I shall be			1. We shall be2.	You will be			2. You will be3.	He will be			3. They will

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