Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Кино. Фильмы

The 20th of January ClassworkFilms

Слайд 1

Слайд 2The 20th of January Classwork

The 20th of January ClassworkFilms

Слайд 3Speaking Practice
1. What is your favorite film?
2. Are there any kinds

of films you dislike?
3. Do you usually watch films at home or at the cinema?
4. How often do you go to the cinema?
5. Who is your favorite actor or actress?
6. What was the last movie you saw?
Speaking Practice1. What is your favorite film?2. Are there any kinds of films you dislike?3. Do you

Слайд 4Do you know these films?

Do you know these films?

Слайд 5Vocabulary Practice

Actress, director, producer, scriptwriter, camera operator, make-up-artist, set designer, costume


Act, star in, direct, produce, shoot/make,


Vocabulary PracticeActress, director, producer, scriptwriter, camera operator, make-up-artist, set designer, costume designer Act, star in, direct, produce,

Слайд 6Reading Practice
Ex.2, p.80
3 questions

Reading PracticeEx.2, p.80 3 questions

Слайд 7Have a rest!

Have a rest!

Слайд 8Vocabulary Practice
Exchange- менять
Nickname- прозвище
Same- один и тот же
Actually- на самом деле

Coincidence- совпадение
Villain- злодей
Storyline- основная сюжетная линия
Predictable- предсказуемый
Prejudice- предрассудок
Waxwork- восковая фигура
Vocabulary PracticeExchange- менятьNickname- прозвищеSame- один и тот жеActually- на самом делеRelationship- отношениеCoincidence- совпадениеVillain- злодейStoryline- основная сюжетная линияPredictable-

Слайд 9Reading Practice
Ex.3,4, p.80

Reading PracticeEx.3,4, p.80http://LearningApps.org/display?v=p6cs7100201

Слайд 10Writing Practice
…is called ...
… after Hollywood ...
… largest …,

… eight hundred...
4. …productions …. such as …, …, …and ...
5. Outside …, where … Bollywood ….


Writing Practice…is called ... … after Hollywood ... … largest …, … eight hundred...4. …productions …. such

Слайд 11Self-preparation task
«3»-Ex.1. р.47WB (вставить слова и перевести текст)
«4»-Ex.3, р.47 WB (сопоставить

тексты с заглавиями)
«5»-Ex.3, р.47 WB (составить вопросы к текстам)
Self-preparation task«3»-Ex.1. р.47WB (вставить слова и перевести текст)«4»-Ex.3, р.47 WB (сопоставить тексты с заглавиями)«5»-Ex.3, р.47 WB (составить

Слайд 12Summing up…
What did you do at the lesson?
Were the tasks difficult

or easy for you?
How did you feel at the lesson?
What is your mark for the lesson?

Summing up…What did you do at the lesson?Were the tasks difficult or easy for you?How did you

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