Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Экология

No living or group of living things can live and grow in isolation.

Слайд 1What Is Ecology

What Is Ecology

Слайд 2No living or group of living things can live and grow

in isolation.
No living or group of living things can live and grow in isolation.

Слайд 3All organisms, plants and animals need energy to develop and all

species of living things influence the lives of others.
All organisms, plants and animals need energy to develop and all species of living things influence the

Слайд 4Ecology is a science. Ecology studies plants, animals and human beings.

Ecology is a science. Ecology studies plants, animals and human beings.

Слайд 5It is also a science about our environment.

It is also a science about our environment.

Слайд 6The environment can influence the growth of living things and the

way they develop.
The environment can influence the growth of living things and the way they develop.

Слайд 7The scientists collect infоrmation about the number of livings in different

areas, their size and behaviour.
The scientists collect infоrmation about the number of livings in different areas, their size and behaviour.



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