Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Day in, day out (6 класс, Spotlight)

morning - утром in the afternoon - днём

Слайд 1Day in, day out
6th form

Day in, day out6th form

Слайд 2

morning - утром
in the afternoon - днём
evening - вечером

noon - днём
at night – ночью (поздно вечером)
weekends – на выходные
morning  - утром in the

Слайд 3p.36 ex.2b
I`m Harry Potter, the young magician.
I live with… and I

go to ….
p.36 ex.2bI`m Harry Potter, the young magician.I live with… and I go to ….

Слайд 4 Present Simple. Простое настоящее время.

+ V1; He, she, it +

? Do\ Does (he, she, it + V) ?
don`t\ he, she, it doesn`t + V

Ex: He plays. We play.
Does he play? Do we play?
He doesn`t play. We don`t play.
Present Simple. Простое настоящее время.+ V1; He, she, it + VS? Do\ Does (he, she, it

Слайд 5He, she, it + VS

She (swim) swims
She (go) goes
She (wash)

She (match) matches
She (study) studies
He, she, it + VS She (swim) swimsShe (go) goesShe (wash) washesShe (match) matchesShe (study) studies

Слайд 6Adverbs of frequency наречия частотности
I usually drink tea.
He usually drinks tea.
Наречия частотности

ставятся после гл. to be, но перед любым другим глаголом.
Adverbs of frequency наречия частотностиI usually drink tea.He usually drinks tea.Наречия частотности ставятся после гл. to be,

Слайд 7Adverbs of frequency наречия частотности
always - всегда
usually - обычно
often - часто
sometimes -

rarely - редко
never - никогда
Adverbs of frequency наречия частотностиalways - всегдаusually - обычноoften - частоsometimes - иногдаrarely - редкоnever - никогда

Слайд 8p.37 ex.6b.
1. Harry never walks to school.
2. Hermione always studies a


3. Students usually spend their free time in the
common room.

4. The Dursleys don’t often treat Harry well.

5. Hedwig sometimes brings Harry’s mail.

p.37 ex.6b.1. Harry never walks to school.2. Hermione always studies a lot.3. Students usually spend their free

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