Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Tower bridge (5 класс)

I`d like to tell you something about Tower Bridge in London, because Tower Bridge is one of the famous sights in London. Here are some photos. Originally, London Bridge was the only crossing over the

Слайд 1Project «Tower Bridge»
pupil: Chudinova Julia 5 B class
Teacher: Skvortsova S.Y.

Project «Tower Bridge»pupil: Chudinova Julia 5 B classTeacher: Skvortsova S.Y.

Слайд 2I`d like to tell you something about Tower Bridge in London,

because Tower Bridge is one of the famous sights in London. Here are some photos. Originally, London Bridge was the only crossing over the Thames. As London grew, so more bridges were added, but these were all to the west of London Bridge, since the area east of London Bridge had become a busy port.
I`d like to tell you something about Tower Bridge in London, because Tower Bridge is one of

Слайд 3The big problem for the Corporation of London was how to

build a bridge downstream from London Bridge without handicap the shipping to get as many ideas as possible, the “Special Bridge or Subway Committee” was formed in 1876. In October 1884 Sir Horace Jones designed the bridge, Sir John Wolfe Barry, 5 constrictors and 432 construction workers build the Tower Bridge in eight years. 
The big problem for the Corporation of London was how to build a bridge downstream from London

Слайд 4Two massive piers had to be sunk into the river bed

to support the construction. About 11ooo tons of steel provided the frame for Towers and Walkways. When it was built, Tower Bridge was the largest bridge ever built; the bridge is 244 meters long. The style of this building is called,, neo-Gothic style”.
Two massive piers had to be sunk into the river bed to support the construction. About 11ooo

Слайд 5Nowadays, the bascules are still operated by hydraulic power, but since

1976 they replace by oil and electricity rather than steam. When a big ship is coming along the Thames, the workers on the Bridge had to open the bridge streets in 9o seconds. This happens 500 times a year.
Nowadays, the bascules are still operated by hydraulic power, but since 1976 they replace by oil and

Слайд 6In the two towers there are 300 steps to reach the

Tower Bridge Exhibition where you can enjoy a view from the high-level Walkways and learn about the history of the bridge and how it was built. The Tower Bridge walkways have specially designed windows. 

In the two towers there are 300 steps to reach the Tower Bridge Exhibition where you can

Слайд 9

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