Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Город в сравнении с деревней.

The country and the city.Some people live in the cityWhere the houses are very tall.Some people live in the countryWhere the houses are very small.But in the country where the houses are small,The gardens are very

Слайд 1We like the place we live in.

We like the place we  live in.

Слайд 2The country and the city.
Some people live in the city
Where the

houses are very tall.
Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small.
But in the country where the houses are small,
The gardens are very big.
And in the cities where the houses are tall
There are no gardens at all.
The country and the city.Some people live in the cityWhere the houses are very tall.Some people live

Слайд 3“City”
Hello, boys and girls! I’m Sophie! I live in an old

English town. It’s called Oxford. There are many small houses in my town. And you can see many green parks with flowers in Oxford. I’ve got a lot of friends at home and now in Moscow , too. I think Moscow is a beautiful city. I would like to visit Moscow again next year.
“City”Hello, boys and girls! I’m Sophie! I live in an old English town. It’s called Oxford. There

Слайд 4Answer the questions.
1.Where does Sophie live ?
2.What kind of houses are

3.What can we see in Oxford?
4.Has Sophie got many friends at home and in Moscow?
5.What does she think about Moscow ?
6. Would she like to visit Moscow again?

Answer the questions.1.Where does Sophie live ?2.What kind of houses are there?3.What can we see in Oxford?4.Has

Слайд 5In the city:
The houses are very tall.
The streets are wide and

There are a lot of cars in the streets.
There are a lot of people in the streets.
There are some new houses in the city.
There are no gardens at all.

In the city:The houses are very tall.The streets are wide and long.There are a lot of cars

Слайд 6In the country:
We can see green fields and hills.
We can see

long rivers and nice green gardens.
We can see a lot of apple trees with apples.
There are a lot of cows, horses ,sheep on the farm.
The houses are nice and small.
The gardens are very big .
In the country:We can see green fields and hills.We can see long rivers and nice green gardens.We

Слайд 7 Comparative and superlative degrees.
К прилагательным в положительной степени, состоящим из

одного или двух слогов ( на -y, -er, -ow) прибавляется в сравнительной степени –er, и в превосходной –est

Comparative and superlative degrees.К прилагательным в положительной степени, состоящим из одного или двух слогов ( на

Слайд 8К прилагательным ,состоящим из трех и более слогов, прибавляется в сравнительной

степени mоге и в превосходной most.

Исключения :

К прилагательным ,состоящим из трех и более слогов, прибавляется в сравнительной степени mоге и в превосходной most.

Слайд 9 Thank you ! The lesson is over.

Thank you ! The lesson is over.

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