Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Теория Лунного заговора

The Cold War 1945 - 1991

Слайд 1 The Moon Landing Hoax

The Moon Landing Hoax

Слайд 2 The Cold War 1945 - 1991

The Cold War 1945 - 1991

Слайд 3July 20, 1969

July 20, 1969

Слайд 4Wouldn’t the Van Allen belts have fried the astronauts?
These are two

huge belts of radiation that surround the Earth, shaped by Earth’s magnetic field. Humans couldn’t have passed through these belts without being fried with lethal doses of radiation.

NASA: Luckily, the timings of the Apollo launches were such that the Van Allen belts were at their lowest intensity, which fluctuates with the Sun’s activity.

Wouldn’t the Van Allen belts have fried the astronauts?These are two huge belts of radiation that surround

Слайд 5Why did the flag flap on the Moon?
There is a

horizontal rod projecting from the post at the top of the pole to hold the flag unfurled. The flag was disturbed as it was planted into the ground and kept this bent shape because of the lack of strong gravity on the Moon.

Why did the flag flap on the Moon?NASA: There is a horizontal rod projecting from the post

Слайд 6Why can’t we see stars in the Moon landing pictures?
The surface

of the Moon reflects the strong sunlight and appears very bright in photographs. This brightness drowns out the relatively dim light from stars in the dark sky, akin to how car headlights can drown out the fainter light from nearby objects. The human eye can adjust and pick out the stars, but unless it’s set to the right settings, a camera struggles with the contrast. Astronauts on the International Space Station today regularly take photographs of the Earth that show a completely starless background, but it’s the same problem of contrasts at work.

Why can’t we see stars in the Moon landing pictures?NASA:The surface of the Moon reflects the strong

Слайд 7 What about those funny shadows?
The combination of

the Moon’s rough surface and the long shadows from a Sun low in the sky can easily create complicated shadows.
What about those funny shadows?NASA:The combination of the Moon’s rough surface and the

Слайд 8 The rock prop labelled with a



The rock prop labelled with a ‘C’NASA:…

Слайд 9 The Unexplained Object


The Unexplained ObjectNASA:… .

Слайд 10 :NASA:



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