Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему World War II


When did Adolf Hitler come to power?In 1923In 1933In 1938



Слайд 2When did
Adolf Hitler come
to power?
In 1923
In 1933
In 1938

When did Adolf Hitler come to power?In 1923In 1933In 1938

Слайд 3
1.b. Hitler came to power in 1933,
when he became

Chancellor of Germany.
1.b. Hitler came to power in 1933, when he became Chancellor of Germany.

Слайд 42. When did the Second World War start?
In 1938
In 1939
In 1940

2. When did the Second World War start?In 1938In 1939In 1940

Слайд 52.b.
World War II started with the German invasion of Poland

on the 1st of September, 1939.
2.b. World War II started with the German invasion of Poland on the 1st of September, 1939.

Слайд 63. What two countries were Germany’s allies?
Italy and Japan
Spain and Italy

and China
3. What two countries were Germany’s allies?Italy and JapanSpain and ItalyJapan and China

Слайд 73.a. Italy and Japan

3.a. Italy and Japan

Слайд 86. What two countries declared war on Germany after the Nazi

troops invaded Poland?
Great Britain and the USA
Norway and Denmark
France and Great Britain
6. What two countries declared war on Germany after the Nazi troops invaded Poland?Great Britain and the

Слайд 96.c. When Hitler invaded Poland Britain and France declared war on

6.c. When Hitler invaded Poland Britain and France declared war on Germany.

Слайд 10What was the only WWII battle that was fought solely in

the air?
The Battle of Britain
The Battle of Stalingrad
The Battle of Berlin
What was the only WWII battle that was fought solely in the air?The Battle of BritainThe Battle

Слайд 117.a. The Battle of Britain

7.a. The Battle of Britain

Слайд 129. Who was Britain’s Prime Minister during the war?
Harold Winston
Winston Churchill

9. Who was Britain’s Prime Minister during the war?Harold WinstonWinston ChurchillMargaret Thatcher

Слайд 139.b. Winston Churchill

9.b. Winston Churchill

Слайд 1410. Which of the following death camps was the largest?

10. Which of the following death camps was the largest?DachauAuschwitzBuchenwald

Слайд 1510.b. Auschwitz. It was set up on the territory of Poland

in 1940. More than 1.5 million people (mostly Jews) died in its gas chambers. In 1945 Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet troops.
10.b. Auschwitz. It was set up on the territory of Poland in 1940. More than 1.5 million

Слайд 1612. When did the Japanese attack the American naval base at

Pearl Harbour?
In 1939
In 1941
In 1943
12. When did the Japanese attack the American naval base at Pearl Harbour?In 1939In 1941In 1943

Слайд 1712.b. The Japanese started a surprise attack
on the US Navy

base at Pearl Harbour
on the 7th of December, 1941.
12.b. The Japanese started a surprise attack on the US Navy base at Pearl Harbour on the

Слайд 1813. Who said: “We shall fight on the beaches. We shall

fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!”
Winston Churchill
Josef Stalin
Franklin D. Roosevelt

13. Who said: “We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We

Слайд 1913.a. Winston Churchill

13.a. Winston Churchill

Слайд 2014. What was the German code name for the summer attack

on the Soviet Union in 1941?
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Dragon
Operation Bismark
14. What was the German code name for the summer attack on the Soviet Union in 1941?Operation

Слайд 2114.a. Operation Barbarossa

14.a. Operation Barbarossa

Слайд 2215. The German invasion of the Soviet Union began on the

22nd of June, 1941. Who announced the news?
Josef Stalin
Lavrentiy Beria
Vyacheslav Molotov

15. The German invasion of the Soviet Union began on the 22nd of June, 1941. Who announced

Слайд 2315.c. It was Molotov who announced the news. Stalin did not

a public speech until July 3, 1941.
15.c. It was Molotov who announced the news. Stalin did not make a public speech until July

Слайд 2416. How long did
the Siege of Leningrad last?
90 days
300 days

16. How long did the Siege of Leningrad last?90 days300 days900 days

Слайд 2516.c. The Siege of Leningrad lasted for 900 days, from the

8th of September, 1941 until the 27th of January, 1944. It was the most tragic period in the history of the city. By the winter of 1941-42 (the coldest winter on record) there was no heating or lighting, running water of drainage. Food rations were extremely low. Each person got only 125 grams of bread a day. By the time spring came, half a million people were dead.
16.c. The Siege of Leningrad lasted for 900 days, from the 8th of September, 1941 until the

Слайд 2617. Who wrote the famous Leningrad symphony?
Dmitri Shostackovich
Sergei Prokofiev
Alexander Alexandrov

17. Who wrote the famous Leningrad symphony?Dmitri ShostackovichSergei ProkofievAlexander Alexandrov

Слайд 2717.a. Dmitri Shostackovich

17.a. Dmitri Shostackovich

Слайд 2819. Who was the highest-scoring fighter pilot in the Soviet Union?

Alexander Pokrshkin
Nikolai Gulayev
19. Who was the highest-scoring fighter pilot in the Soviet Union?Ivan KozhedubAlexander PokrshkinNikolai Gulayev

Слайд 2919.a. Ivan Kozhedub (62 kills). He was one of the only

two Soviet fighter pilots to be awarded the Gold Star of a Hero of the Soviet Union three times during the Second World War.
The other pilot was Alexander Pokryshkin (59 kills).
19.a. Ivan Kozhedub (62 kills). He was one of the only two Soviet fighter pilots to be

Слайд 3020. Which of the following was not a German fighter?

20. Which of the following was not a German fighter?MesserschmidtSpitfireFokker

Слайд 3120.b. Spitfire

20.b. Spitfire

Слайд 3221. What tank was considered to be
the best tank in


21. What tank was considered to be the best tank in WWII?T-62T-72T-34

Слайд 3321.c. T-34

21.c. T-34

Слайд 3422. What river does Stalingrad stand on?
The Ural
The Volga
The Don

22. What river does Stalingrad stand on?The UralThe VolgaThe Don

Слайд 3522.b. the Volga

22.b. the Volga

Слайд 3623. Which German officer was promoted to field marshal the day

before he surrendered to the Red Army at Stalingrad?
Friedrich Paulus
Wilhelm von Leeb
Franz Halder
23. Which German officer was promoted to field marshal the day before he surrendered to the Red

Слайд 3723.a. Friedrich Paulus

23.a. Friedrich Paulus

Слайд 3824. The famous Russian rocket launcher, “Katyusha”, had another nickname. What

was it?
Stalin’s Organ
Ivan the Terrible
24. The famous Russian rocket launcher, “Katyusha”, had another nickname. What was it?Stalin’s OrganIvan the TerribleThunderstorm

Слайд 3924.a. Stalin’s Organ

24.a. Stalin’s Organ

Слайд 4025. What was the biggest tank battle of the Second World

The Battle of Leningrad
The Battle of Kursk
The Battle of Stalingrad
25. What was the biggest tank battle of the Second World War?The Battle of LeningradThe Battle of

Слайд 4125.b. the Battle of Kursk

25.b. the Battle of Kursk

Слайд 4226. What Nazi party member saved 1,100 Jewish people by giving

them work in his factory?
Rudolf Hess
Oskar Schindler
Josef Heinz
26. What Nazi party member saved 1,100 Jewish people by giving them work in his factory?Rudolf HessOskar

Слайд 4326.b. Oskar Schindler. He spent all his money to protect and

save hundreds of Jews from Hitler’s gas chambers. He died penniless.
26.b. Oskar Schindler. He spent all his money to protect and save hundreds of Jews from Hitler’s

Слайд 4427. In 1943, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met at a conference.

Where did it take place?
In Cairo
In Teheran
In Yalta
27. In 1943, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met at a conference. Where did it take place?In CairoIn

Слайд 4527.b. The conference took place in Teheran.

27.b. The conference took place in Teheran.

Слайд 4628. Who was the Supreme commander of the Allied Forces at

the end of the war?
Winston Churchill
Joseph Stalin
Dwight Eisenhower
28. Who was the Supreme commander of the Allied Forces at the end of the war?Winston ChurchillJoseph

Слайд 4728.c. Dwight Eisenhower. Later he became President of The United States.

28.c. Dwight Eisenhower. Later he became President of The United States.

Слайд 4829. Whose armed forces fought and won the Battle of Berlin?

The USA’s
The Soviet Union’s
29. Whose armed forces fought and won the Battle of Berlin?Great Britain’sThe USA’s The Soviet Union’s

Слайд 4929.c. the Soviet Union’s

29.c. the Soviet Union’s

Слайд 5030. Which of the following countries was the last to surrender?

30. Which of the following countries was the last to surrender?GermanyJapanItaly

Слайд 5130.b. Japan

30.b. Japan

Слайд 5231. What happened to Adolf Hitler?
He committed suicide
He fled to Argentina

was killed during an air raid
31. What happened to Adolf Hitler?He committed suicideHe fled to ArgentinaHe was killed during an air raid

Слайд 5331.a. Adolf Hitler killed himself
on April 30th, 1945

31.a. Adolf Hitler killed himself on April 30th, 1945

Слайд 5432. What happened to Benito Mussolini, the notorious Italian dictator?
He was

captured by the American troops and tried as a war criminal.
He was captured and hanged by Italian partisans.
He mysteriously disappeared.
32. What happened to Benito Mussolini, the notorious Italian dictator?He was captured by the American troops and

Слайд 5532.b. He was captured and hanged
by Italian partisans on April

28, 1945.
32.b. He was captured and hanged by Italian partisans on April 28, 1945.

Слайд 5633. Which of these Nazi leaders was shot by an SS

guard at his own request?
33. Which of these Nazi leaders was shot by an SS guard at his own request?GoebbelsHimlerKesselring

Слайд 5733.a. Goebbels

33.a. Goebbels

Слайд 5834. How many atomic bombs were dropped on Japan?

34. How many atomic bombs were dropped on Japan?123

Слайд 5934.b. The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing about

people. The second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, killing about 40,000 people.
34.b. The first bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, killing about 70,000 people. The second bomb was dropped

Слайд 6035. Where were the war trials held after the war?
In Berlin

In London
35. Where were the war trials held after the war?In BerlinIn NurembergIn London

Слайд 6135. b. in Nuremberg

35. b. in Nuremberg

Слайд 6236. How many years did the Second World War last?
5 years

7 years
36. How many years did the Second World War last?5 years6 years7 years

Слайд 6336. b. 6 years

36. b. 6 years

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