Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Косвенная речь

Mother: “clean the room, please” Mother asks to clean the room Granny: “don’t go there, john” granny tells john not to go there say ask/asks says

Слайд 1Tom: “The weather is good” Tom says that the weather is good Mary:

“I love my family” Mary says that she likes her family I he/she am is we they V Vs/es my his/her shall will our their have has

Indirect Speech

Tom: “The weather is good” Tom says that the weather is good  Mary: “I love my

Слайд 2Mother: “clean the room, please” Mother asks to clean the room Granny: “don’t

go there, john” granny tells john not to go there say ask/asks says tell/ tells to/not to V

Indirect Speech

Mother: “clean the room, please” Mother asks to clean the room  Granny: “don’t go there, john”

Слайд 3Tom: “The weather is good” Tom: “is The weather good?” Tom asks

if the weather is good Mary: “Does he live in moscow?” Mary wants to know if he lives in moscow ask/asks want/wants to know if are/is interested wonder/wonders

Indirect Speech

Tom: “The weather is good” Tom: “is The weather good?”  Tom asks if the weather is

Слайд 4Tom: “where is he?” Tom asks where he is Mary: “when Did he

live in moscow?” Mary wants to know when he liveD in moscow ask/asks when want/wants to know what are/is interested where wonder/wonders why

Indirect Speech

Tom: “where is he?” Tom asks where he is  Mary: “when Did he live in moscow?”

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