Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Family Values

It’s a great value to have a strong belief of being calm, cheerful, hopeful, and extremely happy among the members of the family.

Слайд 1Family Values
Prepared by Mosyakina K. (The 10 form).

Family ValuesPrepared by Mosyakina K. (The 10   form).

Слайд 2It’s a great value to have a strong belief of being

calm, cheerful, hopeful, and extremely happy among the members of the family.
It’s a great value to have a strong belief of being calm, cheerful, hopeful, and extremely happy

Слайд 3A family has things together … like dreams and hopes and

possessions and memories and smiles.
A family has things together … like dreams and hopes and possessions and memories and smiles.

Слайд 4A family is a place where love and faith dwell… a

place where all members can enjoy the dignity of their own personalities
A family is a place where love and faith dwell… a place where all members can enjoy

Слайд 5A family is a shelter from the storm… a friendly port

when the waves of life become wild.
A family is a shelter from the storm… a friendly port when the waves of life become

Слайд 6It’s exciting for us to feel that all the members of

the family are important, we are interested in them, worried about them.
It’s exciting for us to feel that all the members of the family are important, we are

Слайд 7We talk about what is happening, who is doing what, it’s

lovely to have a family around you. We have a great opportunity to share our experience and feelings.
We talk about what is happening, who is doing what, it’s lovely to have a family around

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