Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Animals of deserts (6 класс)

Moloch (lizard)

Слайд 1Animals of deserts

Animals of deserts

Слайд 2Moloch (lizard)

Moloch (lizard)

Слайд 3The length of a trunk is twenty centimeters. Moloch can absorb

water through skin. It eats ants. The average term of life is twenty years.
The length of a trunk is twenty centimeters. Moloch can absorb water through skin. It eats ants.

Слайд 4The African digging frog

The African digging frog

Слайд 5When the rainy season comes to an end, the frog digs

a hole of fifteen in depth - twenty centimeters, and then turns into a cocoon and falls into hibernation. Waiting for a rain, the frog can spend up to seven years in a protective cocoon which is softened during a rain, showing to an animal that time has come will waken.
When the rainy season comes to an end, the frog digs a hole of fifteen in depth

Слайд 6Cape cape ground squirrel

Cape cape ground squirrel

Слайд 7To be protected from hot sunshine of the desert, the squirrel

raises a tail up and uses as an umbrella.
To be protected from hot sunshine of the desert, the squirrel raises a tail up and uses

Слайд 8Thorny mice

Thorny mice

Слайд 9In case of an danger it can dump completely skin, and

then restore it completely. They are very clean, always clean the hair. They climb trees well.
When the thorny mouse is threatened by danger, it raises the needles to seem more, hoping to frighten off the enemy.
In case of an danger it can dump completely skin, and then restore it completely. They are



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