Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Однажды (4 класс)

Let’s talk about Lulu’s dreams.Lulu’s dreams last night were so funny! First she…_____________________________________________ And then she … _________________________________________________________. But there was more …she_____________________ _______________________________was the Cinderella andshe danced with the Prince.was with the Ugly Duckling andshe

Слайд 112a Once upon a time!
Module 6

12a Once upon a time!Module 6

Слайд 2Let’s talk about Lulu’s dreams.
Lulu’s dreams last night were so funny!

First she…
And then she … _______________________________
__________________________. But there was more …

was the Cinderella and

she danced with the Prince.

was with the Ugly Duckling and

she skated with him on the lake

was the Goldilocks and

she served porridge to the Three Bears.

Let’s talk about Lulu’s dreams.Lulu’s dreams last night were so funny! First she…_____________________________________________ And then she …

Слайд 3Look at the rule!

Look at the rule!

Слайд 4Look at the rule!
Чтобы построить отрицательное предложение, нам нужно: подлежащее +

didn’t + сказуемое
(глагол как в словаре).

Чтобы построить вопросительное предложение, нам нужно: Did + подлежащее + сказуемое . . .
(глагол как в словаре).

Ответ строится Yes, + местоимение +did. /
No, + местоимение +didn’t.

Look at the rule!Чтобы построить отрицательное предложение, нам нужно: подлежащее + didn’t + сказуемое

Слайд 5You didn’t wash your dad’s car last Saturday.
You didn’t walk in

the park late at night.

You didn’t stay at home all day yesterday.

You didn’t paint your room yesterday.

You didn’t wash your dad’s car last Saturday.You didn’t walk in the park late at night.You didn’t

Слайд 6They didn’t do it. Correct the sentences.
Anita didn’t walk the dog

last night.

Vanya didn’t visit his grandpa yesterday.

They didn’t live in Ufa last year.

We didn’t laugh a lot last Sunday.

Vova didn’t dance in his dream.

I didn’t join a sports centre two days ago.

They didn’t do it. Correct the sentences.Anita didn’t walk the dog last night.Vanya didn’t visit his grandpa

Слайд 7Look, read, ask and answer.
A: Did Lulu climb the beanstalk?
B: No,

she didn’t.
Look, read, ask and answer.A: Did Lulu climb the beanstalk?B: No, she didn’t.

Слайд 8Look, read, ask and answer.
4 A: Did Lulu serve porridge to

the Three Bears?

B: Yes ,she did.

3 A: Did Lulu skate with the Ugly Duckling?

B: Yes, she did.

Look, read, ask and answer.4 A: Did Lulu serve porridge to the Three Bears?B: Yes ,she did.3

Слайд 9Look, read, ask and answer.
5 A: Did Lulu visit the Country


B: No, she didn’t.

Look, read, ask and answer.5 A: Did Lulu visit the Country Mouse?B: No, she didn’t.

Слайд 10Look, complete (play, dance, travel, visit). Then ask and answer.
She ____________

the Queen.

Did she ________ the Queen?

Yes, ___________

He __________ soccer with David Beckham.

Did he __________ soccer with David Beckham?

Yes, ___________



she did



he did

Look, complete (play, dance, travel, visit).  Then ask and answer.She ____________ the Queen.Did she ________ the

Слайд 11Look, complete (play, dance, travel, visit). Then ask and answer.
She ___________

with Jennifer Lopez.

Did she ________ with Jennifer Lopez?

Yes, ___________

He __________ with Christopher Columbus.

Did he __________ with Christopher Columbus?

Yes, ___________

she did

he did





Look, complete (play, dance, travel, visit).  Then ask and answer.She ___________ with Jennifer Lopez.Did she ________

Слайд 12What did they do yesterday? Then ask and answer.
Did she watch


Did he clean his room

Did he wash the dishes

Did they dance at the party?

No, she didn’t.

Yes, he did.

No, he didn’t.

Yes, they did.

What did they do yesterday? Then ask and answer.Did she watch TVDid he clean his roomDid he

Слайд 13You didn’t hear what your friend said. Ask him again as

in the example.

Did Katya talk to her friend last night?

Did Kira skate with her friend yesterday?

Did his grandma bake bread last Sunday?

Did we join Playtime last year?

Did Gleb fix his father’s car last week?

Did you watch cartoons last night?

You didn’t hear what your friend said. Ask him again as in the example.Did Katya talk to

Слайд 14Answer the questions.
No, he didn’t.
Yes, she did.
No, she didn’t.
No, they didn’t.

they did.

Yes, I did.

Answer the questions.No, he didn’t.Yes, she did.No, she didn’t.No, they didn’t.Yes, they did.Yes, I did.

Слайд 15boat


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