Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Kazakh meals

Vocabularyraisinshorse-flesh mutton snacks flourhost treat epelvic bones shankbrisketneck-boneramobeyingpastryattitudeimbuedfeaturesgroceriesemphasisstoragesour milk widely spreadcast-iron cauldron cast-iron jugs

Слайд 1Kazakh meals

Kazakh meals

Слайд 2Vocabulary
mutton snacks
treat e
pelvic bones
sour milk
widely spread

cast-iron jugs

Vocabularyraisinshorse-flesh mutton snacks flourhost treat epelvic bones shankbrisketneck-boneramobeyingpastryattitudeimbuedfeaturesgroceriesemphasisstoragesour milk widely spreadcast-iron cauldron cast-iron jugs

Слайд 3raisin – изюм - мейіз
horse-flesh - конина – жылқы еті
mutton snacks

– баранина – қой еті
flour – мука -ұн
host –хозяин – үй иесі
treat –угощать – дәм татқызу
pelvic bones - жамбас
shank- большая берцевая кость, ортан жілік
brisket- грудинка, төс ет
neck-bone – шейный позв, мойын
obey- подчиняться -бағыну
pastry – мучные изделия - ұннан жасалған
imbue – насыщать - дәмдеу
features – особенности - ерекшеліктер
grocery - бакалейная лавка –азық –түлік дүкені
slightly – слегка, – аздап. жеңілдеп
emphasis –внимание –көңіл аудару
sour milk – кефир, сметана
widely spread –широко распространён –кеңінен тараған
cast-iron cauldron – қазан
buy- покупать – сатып алу
cook –готовить –тамақ әзірлеу
fridge -холодильник
may – можно – (істеуге) болады
in – в ішінде. ішіне
dish – блюдо
store – хранить – сақтау
like(s) to eat – любить кушать – жегенді жақсы көру
to drink – ішу
to buy – сатып алу


raisin – изюм - мейізhorse-flesh - конина – жылқы етіmutton snacks – баранина – қой етіflour –

Слайд 4 First of all, the guest of kazakh family is regaled with

kumiss, shubat or airan. The next meal is tea with milk or cream, baursaks, irimshik, kurt. Then the guest is tasting horse-flesh or mutton snacks: kazi, shuzhuk, zhal-zhaya, sur-et, karta, kabirga. Wheat flour cookies are very common too.


First of all, the guest of kazakh family is regaled with kumiss, shubat or airan. The next

Слайд 5Kumiss


Слайд 6Kazakh traditional food facts and featuresh
The main meal of every dastarkhan

and one of the most delicious for Kazakh people is Kazakh style cooked meat. Boiled meat is served in large uncut pieces. The host cuts the meat himself and treats every guest: pelvic bones and shank for honourable old people, brisket for son-in-law or daughter-in-law, neck-bone for girls and so on.
The most honorable guest receives particular method cooked head of the ram. The guest should part the head between people around the dastarkhan obeying to ancient ritual showing respectful attitude to guests, old people, kids, near and far relations.
The delicious aromatic meat is eaten with thin boiled pieces of pastry. Excellent addition to this dish is rich flavoured meat bouillon - sorpa, served in phials. Kumiss and tea are the last dishes of the meal.

Kazakh traditional food facts and featuresh	The main meal of every dastarkhan and one of the most delicious

Слайд 7Besbarmak Kuirdak

Besbarmak   			Kuirdak

Слайд 8Kazi, Karta, Shuzhuk

Kazi, Karta, Shuzhuk

Слайд 9 Today Kazakh meal is something different from the old one but

still it is imbued with ancient laws of hospitability. On the contrary the hospitability is larger then ever for now because not only Kazakhs but people of various nations (Kazakhstan is a multinational country) have a meal around the dastarkhan: Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Germans, Uigurs, Koreans and more. All these nations made their contribution on Kazakhs cookery.
Kazakhstan cuisine includes not only traditional national Kazakhstan dishes but the best dishes of Uzbek, Russian, Tatar, Korean and other cookeries. That’s why Kazakh cuisine saving its national characteristic features has some international features.

Today Kazakh meal is something different from the old one but still it is imbued with ancient

Слайд 10 The assortment of food groceries was changed slightly. During its long

history Kazakhstan people gathered a huge experience in cooking dishes from meat and milk. And modern times filled it with a large range of vegetables, fruit, fish, sea stuff, baked, flour dishes and confectionery.
The assortment of food groceries was changed slightly. During its long history Kazakhstan people gathered a huge

Слайд 11Baursaki

Sorpa and Baursaki
Baursaki            Sorpa and Baursaki

Слайд 12 But still the most popular Kazakhstan national foodstuff is meat. From

olden times Kazakh cookery was special due to its original technology. Some features of Kazakh people living left a mark on Kazakh style of food cooking. The traditional national Kazakhstan cookery is based on boiling. Exactly boiling helps to cook meat with a lot of delicate tastes, gives it softness and aroma.
Kazakh people placed high emphasis on long-term storage of foodstuff. A huge part of meat was prepared for future use being salted, dried. Delicatessen was cooked mainly from horse meat - kazi, shuzhuk, zhal, zhaya, karta and others.

But still the most popular Kazakhstan national foodstuff is meat. From olden times Kazakh cookery was special

Слайд 13 Milk and milk products were widely spread. The preference was for

the sour milk products because it was easier to save it during nomadic life. Bread was usually made like cookies. The most popular baked dish is baursaki.
The ancient plates and dishes were made from leather, wood, ceramics. Every family had cast-iron cauldron (kazan) for cooking. The tea was boiled in cast-iron jugs, later in samovars.

Milk and milk products were widely spread. The preference was for the sour milk products because it

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