Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Cтрадательный залог в английском языке

The Passive является аналогом предложения, в котором сказуемое выражено кратким прилагательным.Дверь покрашена.The door is painted.

Слайд 1The Passive Voice

The Passive Voice

Слайд 2The Passive является аналогом предложения, в котором сказуемое выражено кратким прилагательным.

The door is painted.
The Passive является аналогом предложения, в котором сказуемое выражено кратким прилагательным.Дверь покрашена.The door is painted.

Слайд 3To be + Ved/III

To be + Ved/III

Слайд 4 be+Ved/III
The paper is made from wood.

be+Ved/IIIThe paper is made from wood.

Слайд 5We use the passive:
When the person who does the action is

My purse was stolen on the train.
These tables are made in Brazil.
Obvious (очевиден) from the context
My car was repaired.
We use the passive:When the person who does the action is unknown	My purse was stolen on the

Слайд 6When the action itself is more important than the person who

does it.
The Fine Arts Museum will be opened to the Public on November the 14th.
When we want to avoid responsibility for an action or it is unpleasant.
The window has been smashed
When the action itself is more important than the person who does it.	The Fine Arts Museum will

Слайд 8The present perfect continuous, the future continuous, the past perfect continuous,

the future perfect continuous are not used in the Passive.
The present perfect continuous, the future continuous, the past perfect continuous, the future perfect continuous are not

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