Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan

Phonetic exercise Song “Let it be”

Слайд 1
the heart

of our country

Astana,      the heart

Слайд 3Phonetic exercise
Song “Let it be”

Phonetic exercise Song “Let it be”

Слайд 4Let it be

Мудрые слова

Broken-hearted Темные времена

Words of wisdom Разбитые сердца

May be parted Звуки музыки

Hour of darkness Могут быть разлучены

The sounds of music Пришла ко мне

Comes to me Да будет так

Осылай болсын

Жараланған жүректермен

Дана сөздер

Олар айырылуы мүмкін

Түнелген күндері

Музыка әуені

Маған келді

Let it be            Мудрые словаBroken-hearted

Слайд 5Checking the homework

Checking the homeworkKazakhstan

Слайд 6
the heart

of our country

Astana,      the heart

Слайд 7

Astana, the Capital of Kazakhstan

In December 1997, the President of

Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbaev, decrees that the capital of the Republic should be moved from Almaty to Aqmola, a provincial town on the right bank of the Ishim River about a thousand kilometers to the north.
Astana was originally founded in 1824 as a Russian fortress.  Akmolinsk (the original name of Astana) grew into a mining town of little importance. But the town's prospects changed in the 1950s, when Nikita Khrushchev chose the region as the location for showcasing his Virgin Lands project. The project, which intended to turn some 155,000 sq. mi. of grazing steppe land around Akmolinsk into corn and wheat farms, needed a center. By Khrushchev's decree, Akmolinsk was assigned that status. By 1961 an oblast called Tselinograd was formed and Akmolinsk (renamed Tselinograd or Virgin City) became its provincial center.
Tselinograd Oblast was a major center of corn and wheat production in the former
Astana, the Capital of Kazakhstan 	In December 1997, the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbaev, decrees that the

Bayterek (Kazakh: Бaйтерек) , from the Kazakh for "tall popular

tree", is a new monument in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.
ASTANA Bayterek (Kazakh: Бaйтерек) , from the Kazakh for

Слайд 9
Astana - personification of a new, dynamically developing

Kazakhstan, a symbol of renewal, a symbol of independence of our republic!
Nursultan Nazarbayev
Astana - personification of a new, dynamically developing Kazakhstan, a symbol of renewal, a

Слайд 10ASTANA
Astana - the Capital of Kazakhstan
On December 10, 1997 the city

was renamed to Akmola
and pronounced as the capital of Kazakhstan. Later, on May 6, 1998 it was renamed to Astana. Astana is an important industry and cultural center of the republic, also railway auto-transport junction. In 1824 it was founded as the military locality, in 1868 it had got the status of the town, and in 50s of XX century it was an important center of development of virgin and disused lands in the north of the country. The industry of the town is represented by agri-mechanical engineering, food industry, refining of the agricultural raw material, and transport. Earlier it was the fortification founded by the Russian Kazak troops in 1830 on the bank of the Ishim river in Karaotkel natural boundary.
ASTANA Astana - the Capital of Kazakhstan 	On December 10, 1997 the city was renamed to Akmola

The Nur-Astana Mosque (KazakhThe Nur-Astana Mosque (Kazakh: Нұр-Астана

мешіті‎), is a mosque located in the city of AstanaAstana, the capital of KazakhstanAstana, the capital of Kazakhstan. It is the largest mosque of Kazakhstan and the biggest mosque in Central AsiaAstana, the capital of Kazakhstan. It is the largest mosque of Kazakhstan and the biggest mosque in Central Asia. The 40-meter height symbolizes the age of the Prophet Muhammad of when he received the revelations, and the height of the minarets is 63 meters, the age Muhammad was when he died. The mosque is located at the left riverbank in the city of Astana, construction first started in March 2005. The mosque was a gift in accordance with the agreement of the Kazakhstan President, Nursultan NazarbayevThe mosque is located at the left riverbank in the city of Astana, construction first started in March 2005. The mosque was a gift in accordance with the agreement of the Kazakhstan President, Nursultan Nazarbayev and the Emir of QatarThe mosque is located at the left riverbank in the city of Astana, construction first started in March 2005. The mosque was a gift in accordance with the agreement of the Kazakhstan President, Nursultan Nazarbayev and the Emir of Qatar, Hamad bin Khalifa. It has a capacity of 5,000 worshippers inside the mosque, including 2,000 for worshippers outside the mosque. The structure is made of glass, concrete, granite and alucobond measures.
CENTRAL ASTANA MOSQUE The Nur-Astana Mosque (KazakhThe Nur-Astana Mosque (Kazakh: Нұр-Астана мешіті‎), is a mosque located in





Слайд 14AK-ORDA
No other capital of the world can do without the Presidential

(ruler) Residence and Astana is no exception. Five years after the announcement of the new capital of Kazakhstan the official presentation of the Palace of the President, “Ak Orda, was held. However, that structure is no longer a off-limits state facility; on the initiative of the President regular tours are held there.
The residence of the country’s leader was built in 3 years’ time with the application of the latest technologies. The height of the building along with the spire is 80 meters; the height of the first floor is 10 meters.
AK-ORDA	No other capital of the world can do without the Presidential (ruler) Residence and Astana is no



Слайд 16ICE CITY
Ice City in Astana
Ice-city construction in Astana in December has

already become a tradition. Sculptures are always united with some general idea so that they make a unique complex of figures.
In the center of this “city” there is a skating rink and, of course an ice-run which is always popular among local children regardless, strong wind, snow, and frost.
Sculptures are made from the ice-bricks and often represent the figures on animals or world-known buildings as Big-Ben, Eiffel Tower as it was in 2005, for example and so on. Artists can also shape such a symbol of Astana as Baiterek Tower , castles, fairy tales heroes and so on.
In the evening all the figures are illuminated from beneath so
that you can contemplate beautiful ice-sculptures of different colors. Millions of tenge (national currency) are spent every year on this work and it is worth to be visited!
ICE CITYIce City in AstanaIce-city construction in Astana in December has already become a tradition. Sculptures are

Слайд 17DUMAN

If you want to experience the atmosphere of childhood, walk along

the seabed, to visit the Museum of Miniatures, enjoy all the possibilities of media technologies in D-cinema, then do not miss the opportunity to visit the entertainment center “Duman” on the left bank of Astana.
The Oceanarium of the Center is a unique building located at a distance of more than 3,000 km from the ocean. It is the home to about 2,000 animals, representing over 100 species of marine inhabitants from different parts of the Earth. This was achieved thanks to the unique life-support system that includes a lot of pipes, pumps and filters. The total volume of water in the system is 3 million liters.
DUMAN	If you want to experience the atmosphere of childhood, walk along the seabed, to visit the Museum

Слайд 18

Building the future of the

country begins
in the present
Nursultan Nazarbayev

Building the future of the          country begins

Слайд 19Bloom’s cube
1 Why
2 Explain
3 Call
4 Offer
5 Think up
6 Share

Bloom’s cube1 Why2 Explain3 Call4 Offer5 Think up6 Share

Слайд 20 Complete the table “Insert”

Complete the table “Insert”

Слайд 23Reflection
What can you tell me about today’s lessons?
What is sensible useful…?

ReflectionWhat can you tell me about today’s lessons?What is sensible useful…?

Слайд 24Home task

Home taskAstana-retellingGrammar

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