Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Моя семья (5 класс)


Тема урока: «My family» («Моя семья»);Класс: 5 класс общеобразовательной школы;Учебник: К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман «Happy English.ru»/ «Счастливый английский.ру» /Учебник для 5-го класса– Обнинск: Титул 2013.Тип урока: комбинированный, с использованием ТСО/ ИКТ;Цель урока: Систематизировать и дополнить знания

Слайд 1«MY FAMILY»

  Методическая разработка к уроку английского языка
в 5 классе

учитель английского языка
Эльмира Залкиповна

«MY FAMILY»  Методическая разработка к уроку английского языка в 5 классе Работу выполнила учитель английского языка Магомедова Эльмира

Слайд 2Тема урока: «My family» («Моя семья»);
Класс: 5 класс общеобразовательной школы;
Учебник: К.И.

Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман «Happy English.ru»/ «Счастливый английский.ру» /Учебник для 5-го класса– Обнинск: Титул 2013.
Тип урока: комбинированный, с использованием ТСО/ ИКТ;
Цель урока: Систематизировать и дополнить знания учащихся по теме «My family»;
Комментарий к уроку: данный урок является программным, cвязан с предыдущими и опирается на знания учащимися основных лексических единиц по теме. На данном уроке учащиеся учатся рассказывать о своей семье. Урок предполагает использование ТСО (компьютер, магнитофон, демонстрационный материал – тематические картинки, презентация; проектор).

Методический комментарий

Тема урока: «My family» («Моя семья»);Класс: 5 класс общеобразовательной школы;Учебник: К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман «Happy English.ru»/ «Счастливый

Слайд 3
This is my father.

This is my mother.

This is my brother Paul.

This is my sister.

This is my grandmother.

How I love them all!

Try to guess what we’ll talk today about.

This is my father.

Слайд 4My family

My family

Слайд 5



Слайд 7family


Слайд 8



Слайд 9mother,

mother, father, brother

Слайд 11parents


Слайд 13brother


Слайд 17daughter


Слайд 21children


Слайд 23grandmother,

grandmother, grandfather

Слайд 25Repeat all together:

– family
– mother, father, brother
– parents

– brother
– sister
– daughter

– son
– grandmother, grandfather
– cousin

Repeat all together:[fæ] – family[ðə] – mother, father, brother[peə] – parents[rʌ] – brother[si] – sister[dɔ:] – daughter[sʌ]

Слайд 26 mum/mummy


Слайд 27dad/daddy


Слайд 30granny/grandma


Слайд 31Русское слово бабушка и английское grandmother - вообще термины , обозначающие

мать родителей. Однако что общего русская бабушка имеет с английской grandmother? Это совершенно разные образы, они по-разному выглядят, различно одеваются, у них совершенно разные функции в семье, разное поведение, разный образ жизни.Русская бабушка, как правило, занята в новом статусе еще больше, чем раньше: она растит внуков, ведет хозяйство, дает родителям возможность работать, зарабатывать деньги. Англоязычная grandmother уходит на "заслуженный отдых": путешествует, ярко одевается, старается наверстать упущенное в плане развлечений, приятного времяпрепровождения.
Русское слово babushka - одно из не слишком многочисленных заимствований в английском языке, обозначающее головной платок, косынку ("a head scarf tied under the chin, worn by Russian peasant women" [головной платок, завязываемый под подбородком, наподобие того, как носят русские крестьянки]).

It is interesting to know!

Русское слово бабушка и английское grandmother - вообще термины , обозначающие мать родителей. Однако что общего русская

Слайд 32grandpa/granddad


Слайд 35New words:

New words:

Слайд 36тт



Слайд 39Have I got a dog?
Have you got a sister?
Have we got

a brother?

Have they got a sister?

Yes, I have. No, I haven`t.

Yes, I have. No, I haven`t.

Yes, we have. No, we haven`t.

Yes, they have. No, they haven`t.

Has he got a cat?

Yes, he has. No, he hasn`t.

Has she got a sister?

Yes, she has. No, she hasn`t.

Have I got a dog?Have you got a sister?Have we got a brother?Have they got a sister?Yes,

Слайд 40Have you got a mother?
Have you got a father?
What is

your father’s name?
What is your mother’s name?
Have you got any sisters or brothers?
What is your sister’s name?
What is your brother’s name?
Have you got an aunt?
You have got an uncle, haven’t you?

Warming up Answer the questions:

Have you got a mother?Have you got a father? What is your father’s name? What is your

Слайд 41Age -возраст
How old are you?
How old is your …?


am …
He is …
She is …

Age -возрастHow old are you?How old is your …?  I am …   He is

Слайд 42Numerals- числительные

Numerals- числительные twentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninetyhundredthousand1001000

Слайд 43My mother is …

twenty nine.
thirty five.

My father is …
thirty eight.
forty two.

My mother is …             twenty

Слайд 44Possessive case – Притяжательный падеж имен существительных
Iris is Richard`s mother.
Айрис –

мама (чья?) Ричарда.

My brothers` names are Bill and Richard.
Имена (чьи?) моих братьев – Бил и Ричард.
Possessive case – Притяжательный падеж имен существительныхIris is Richard`s mother.Айрис – мама (чья?) Ричарда.My brothers` names are

Слайд 45
Dear Russian friends,
My name is

Mike. I am 10. I live in London. I have got a family. My family is large. I have got a mother, a father and a grandmother, an aunt and two uncles. But I have not got a grandfather.
I’ve got a sister and a brother. My sister’s name is Ann. She is 4. My brother’s name is John. He is five years old. They are not pupils. Ann and John don’t go to school. They play at home with the toys.
My mum’s name is Mary and my dad’s name is Nick. My dad is a doctor. He works in a hospital. My mum is a housewife. She is the soul of our family. She likes to read books about children.
We have got a dog and a cat. The dog is very clever and the cat is very kind.
I love my family very much.
Mike Brown.

Dear Russian friends,      My name is Mike. I am 10. I live

Слайд 46

Тест. Выберите правильное слово 1. My name is …. 4. My mother is … a) Peter a) a teacher b) Mike b) a doctor c) Nick c) a housewife 2. I live in … 5. She likes to read books about… a) Oxford a) children b) Kemerovo b) toys c) London c) doctors 3. My sister’s name is a) Alice 6. I love my … b) Ann a) cat c) Jess b) family c) dog
Тест. Выберите правильное слово

Слайд 47 Have a rest. Do some exercises for your eyes.

Have a rest. Do some exercises for your eyes.

Слайд 49

Give the opposites:



Give the opposites:		father 			sister   		    		dad 					husband 				uncle			 		son 					granddad

Слайд 50
Guess who they are.
My father and my mother are my

mother’s daughter is my
My father’s mother is my
My father’s brother is my
My mother’s sister is my
My aunt’s son is my
The daughter of my brother or a sister is my
The son of my brother or a sister is my


Guess who they are.My father and my mother are myMy mother’s daughter is myMy father’s mother

Слайд 51Hello, Mike.
My name is…. I am …( ten, eleven, twelve).

am from Kochubey. It`s a village in Russia. I go to school.I am in the fifth form. I like studing.
My favourite subjects at school are…(Russian, History, Mathematics ,…)
I`m good at … (sport, languages, computers…).
I have got a big/ small family.
I have got a mother/ a father/ a sister …
My mother’s/ father’s name is …
She/ he is …years old.
She/he is … (kind, strong, clever, hard-working, strict,…)
She/he is …(a farmer, a teacher, a doctor, a housewife, a student,…)
She/ he likes (to cook, to read books, to play football,…)
We have…. (a pet, pets, a dog, a cat).
It`s name is …(Murca, Jack…)
I am proud of my family.( I love my family very much. )
Best wishes to you,…
Hello, Mike.My name is…. I am …( ten, eleven, twelve). I am from Kochubey. It`s a village

Слайд 52My grandmother`s name is Patimat. She is sixty four. She likes

grow flowers.
My grandmother`s name is Patimat. She is sixty four. She likes grow flowers.

Слайд 53I have uncle. His name is Magomed. He is forty one.

He likes to drive a car.
I have uncle. His name is Magomed. He is forty one. He likes to drive a car.

Слайд 54I have aunt. Her name is Raisat. She is thirty four.

She likes watch TV and cook the food.
I have aunt. Her name is Raisat. She is thirty four. She likes watch TV and cook

Слайд 55My brother`s name is Rasul. He is one and six months.

He likes to eat, play with toys and sleep.
My brother`s name is Rasul. He is one and six months. He likes to eat, play with

Слайд 56
“Happy family!”

“Happy family!”

Слайд 57
I love mother, she loves me.
We love daddy,

yes siree.
He loves us and so you see,
We are a happy family.

I love sister, she loves me.
We love brother, yes siree.
He loves us and so you see,
We are a happy family.

I love mother, she loves me. We love daddy, yes siree. He loves us and

Слайд 58


Write a letter

to your pen friend

about your family.

Homework: Write a letter

Слайд 59Thank you !
Good bye.

Thank you !Good bye.

Слайд 60

Good bye!

Good bye!

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