Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Место, где я живу

Different sights of Russia

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Different sights of Russia

Different sights of Russia

Слайд 3
The Spasskaya Tower is the most well-known of all

the Moscow Kremlin towers. It was built in 1491 and it is 71 metres high. The Kremlin chiming clock is in the Spasskaya Tower.

The Spasskaya Tower

The Spasskaya Tower is the most well-known of all the Moscow Kremlin towers. It was

Слайд 4
The Grand Kremlin Palace is a palace in the

Moscow Kremlin that was designed and built by Konstantin Thon in 1836 – 1849.

The Grand Kremlin Palace

The Grand Kremlin Palace is a palace in the Moscow Kremlin that was designed and

Слайд 5
The Tsar Bell is the bell in the Moscow

Kremlin that was made by the Russian cast master Ivan Motorin and his son Mikhail in 1735. This is the haviest bell (222,6 tons) but it does not ring.

The Tsar Bell

The Tsar Bell is the bell in the Moscow Kremlin that was made by the

Слайд 6
The Tsar Cannon is a very large cannon that

can be seen in the Moscow Kremlin, it was made by the cast master Andrei Chokhov in Moscow in 1586. The cannon weighs 44 tons and it has never been fired.

The Tsar Cannon

The Tsar Cannon is a very large cannon that can be seen in the Moscow

Слайд 7
The Kazan Cathedral is a cathedral in St. Petersburg

that was designed and built by the Russian architect A. Voronikhin in 1801 – 1811. It is devoted to the Holy Virgin of Kazan.

The Kazan Cathedral

The Kazan Cathedral is a cathedral in St. Petersburg that was designed and built by

Слайд 8
The Tretyakov Gallery is an art gallery in Moscow

and one of the greatest museums in the world. It has a large collection of Russian art that was started by Pavel Tretyakov as a private collection in 1856. The main building of the gallery was designed by V. Vasnetsov in 1902.

The Tretyakov Gallery

The Tretyakov Gallery is an art gallery in Moscow and one of the greatest museums

Слайд 9
The Pushkin Museum is a museum in Moscow which

has one of the largest art collections in Russia and in the world. It was founded by Ivan Tsvetayev and Yuri Nechaev-Maltsev and opened in 1912.

The Pushkin Museum

The Pushkin Museum is a museum in Moscow which has one of the largest art

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