Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Home and garden

2) What do you have near your house where are trees, plants?

Слайд 1Complete the proverbs. East or west, my…… is the best There’s no place

like….. ……where the heart is. My……my castle Descriptor: look at the screen and choose the word
Complete the proverbs. East or west, my…… is the best There’s no place like….. ……where the heart

Слайд 22) What do you have near your house where are trees,

2) What do you have near your house where are trees, plants?

Слайд 3The 21st of February Home and garden
All learners will be able to:

understand the main idea of the text.
Most learners will be able to: find new words in the text and make short sentences.
Some learners will be able: retell the text and write short composition about his/her home and garden.

At the end of the lesson you will be able to know demonstrative pronouns.
The 21st of February Home and garden All learners will be able to: understand the main idea

Слайд 4 Указательные местоимения(Demonstrative Pronoun) This обозначает то, что находится рядом, неподалеку, близко. That — то, что

расположено вдалеке, удаленно от говорящего This переводится как этот/эта/это. That, соответственно, как тот/та/то. Помимо this и that часто можно встретить еще одну пару указательных местоимений: these-those. Правило их употребления звучит так: если предметов много, а не один, мы меняем this на these, а that на those. These — эти  Those — те
Указательные местоимения(Demonstrative Pronoun)   This обозначает то, что находится рядом, неподалеку, близко. That — то, что

Слайд 5Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns

Слайд 6Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns

Слайд 8Plickers
Take a plickers card
Translate the question using Demonstrative prononuns

PlickersDescriptor:LearnersTake a plickers cardTranslate the question using Demonstrative prononuns

Слайд 9New words
bedroom – it is a room where you sleep
a living-room

– it is a room where you relax
a dining-room – it is a room where you have breakfast, lunch, dinner.
a kitchen – it is a room where you prepare meal
a bathroom – where you have a shower
a wardrobe – in which clothes may be hung
picture -- a painting

New wordsbedroom – it is a room where you sleepa living-room – it is a room where

Слайд 10Answer the question
What kind of house have you got?
What rooms do

you have in your house?
With whom do you live in your house?

Answer the questionWhat kind of house have you got?What rooms do you have in your house?With whom

Слайд 11Hometask
Home task. (I) Write short composition about his/her house with garden

using demonstrative pronouns. No less than 5 sentences.

Hometask Home task. (I) Write short composition about his/her house with garden using demonstrative pronouns. No less

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