Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему: What do you know about the UK?


Questions to team №1

Слайд 1What do you know about the UK?

What do you know about the UK?

Слайд 2Questions to team №1

Questions to team №1

Слайд 31. What is the official name of the country language of

which we study?
1. What is the official name of the country language of which we study?

Слайд 4The United Kingdom of  Great Britain and Northern  Ireland

The United Kingdom of  Great Britain and Northern  Ireland

Слайд 52. What is the area of the UK?

2. What is the area of the UK?

Слайд 6233 sq. km

233 sq. km

Слайд 73. What is the highest mountain in the UK?

3. What is the highest mountain in the UK?

Слайд 8 Ben Nevis (Scotland, 1343 m)

 Ben Nevis (Scotland, 1343 m)

Слайд 94. What is the longest river of the country?

4. What is the longest river of the country?

Слайд 10The Severn (354 km)

The Severn (354 km)

Слайд 115. What are the parts of the UK?

5. What are the parts of the UK?

Слайд 12England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Слайд 136. What bird is the symbol of the UK?

6. What bird is the symbol of the UK?

Слайд 14A robin

A robin

Слайд 157. What is the name of the main clock in the

7. What is the name of the main clock in the UK?

Слайд 16Big Ben

Big Ben

Слайд 178. What is  the name of the British Queen?

8. What is  the name of the British Queen?

Слайд 18 Elizabeth  II

 Elizabeth  II

Слайд 199. What is the residence of the Queen?

9. What is the residence of the Queen?

Слайд 20Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 2110. How many children has the Queen got?

10. How many children has the Queen got?

Слайд 224: Charles, Prince of Wales (1948) The Princess Ann (1950) Prince Andrew Duke

of York (1960) The Prince Edward (1964)
4: Charles, Prince of Wales (1948) The Princess Ann (1950) Prince Andrew Duke of York (1960) The

Слайд 23Questions to team №2

Questions to team №2

Слайд 241. What is the capital of the UK?

1. What is the capital of the UK?

Слайд 25 London


Слайд 262. What is the name of the river London is situated

2. What is the name of the river London is situated on?

Слайд 27The Thames

The Thames

Слайд 283. How long is the Thames?

3. How long is the Thames?

Слайд 304. What is the population of the UK?

4. What is the population of the UK?

Слайд 3164 million

64 million

Слайд 325. What is the main square of the capital?

5. What is the main square of the capital?

Слайд 33Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 346. What place in London was once a prison and now

a museum?
6. What place in London was once a prison and now a museum?

Слайд 35Tower of London

Tower of London

Слайд 367. Who of the English  first travelled  round the world?

7. Who of the English  first travelled  round the world?

Слайд 37Frances Drake

Frances Drake

Слайд 388. What is the national flower of England?

8. What is the national flower of England?

Слайд 39A red rose

A red rose

Слайд 409. What is the name of the British Prime Minister?

9. What is the name of the British Prime Minister?

Слайд 41David  Cameron

David  Cameron

Слайд 4210. How old was Elisabeth II when she became the Queen?

10. How old was Elisabeth II when she became the Queen?

Слайд 43 26 уears old. June 2nd, 1953.

26 уears old.   June 2nd, 1953.

Слайд 44Questions to team №1

Questions to team №1

Слайд 451. What is the capital of Scotland?

1. What is the capital of Scotland?

Слайд 46Edinburg


Слайд 472. What is the oldest university in the country?

2. What is the oldest university in the country?

Слайд 48Oxford  University

Oxford  University

Слайд 493. What is the legendary hero of English and Scottish ballads?

3. What is the legendary hero of English and Scottish ballads?

Слайд 50Robin Hood

Robin Hood

Слайд 514. How many letters are there in the ABC?

4. How many letters are there in the ABC?

Слайд 535. What are the symbols of London?

5. What are the symbols of London?

Слайд 54Big Ben, a double-decker bus, a black cab, a red call-box,

a red  letter-box
Big Ben, a double-decker bus, a black cab, a red call-box, a red  letter-box

Слайд 55Questions to team №2

Questions to team №2

Слайд 561. What country traditionally sends a Christmas tree to England?

1. What country traditionally sends a Christmas tree to England?

Слайд 582. What is the second famous university in the UK?

2. What is the second famous university in the UK?

Слайд 59Cambridge


Слайд 603. What piece of furniture is traditionally associated with an English

3. What piece of furniture is traditionally associated with an English house?

Слайд 61 A fire-place

 A fire-place

Слайд 624. What sport was originated in England?

4. What sport was originated in England?

Слайд 63Football


Слайд 645. What is the name the famous museum of London where

you can see figures of famous people?
5. What is the name the famous museum of London where you can see figures of famous

Слайд 65Madame Tussaud’s Museum

Madame Tussaud’s Museum

Слайд 66 Thank you for participation!

Thank you for participation!

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