Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Land pollution

«This land is your land, this land is my land:From the Arctic regions to theSouthern islands,From the red wood forests to thefarthest bodies –This land was made for you and me.»by P. Seagor

Слайд 1Land pollution

Land pollution

Слайд 2«This land is your land,
this land is my land:
From the

Arctic regions to the
Southern islands,
From the red wood forests to the
farthest bodies –
This land was made for you and me.»
by P. Seagor
«This land is your land, this land is my land:From the Arctic regions to theSouthern islands,From the

Слайд 3Brainstorm activity
Land pollution
Air pollution

Brainstorm activityLand pollutionAir pollution

Слайд 4Our land is full
of beautiful flowers, plants, trees which grow

and blossom in the meadows,
on the banks of the rivers and lakes,
in the forests and in our gardens.
Our land is full of beautiful flowers, plants, trees which grow and blossom in the meadows, on

Слайд 51. The action of destroying something.
2. A small creature with six

legs and wings.

3. An open grass covered land in warm countries.
4. Making atmosphere dirty and dangerous for people.

9. A living being.
10. You can see it in the sky after rain.
11. The people who live in a country.

5. A person collecting information about weather.
6. Thick paper used for making boxes.

7. A building with glass sides and a glass roof.
8. An instrument for forecasting the weather.

Save the nature

1. The action of destroying something.2. A small creature with six legs and wings.3. An open grass

Слайд 6Phonetic drill
Louis Armstrong

Phonetic drill Louis Armstronghttps://youtu.be/A3yCcXgbKrE

Слайд 7What a Wonderful World
I see trees of  ________, _____ roses too I see them

bloom for me and _______           And I think to myself ______________________ I see skies of   _____                         And clouds of  _____             The bright sunny ____                And the dark starry _____                 And I think to myself______________________ The colours of the  _______                       So pretty in the sky Are also on the faces Of the people going by.




what a wonderful world





what a wonderful world


What a Wonderful WorldI see trees of  ________, _____ roses too I see them bloom for me and _______           And

Слайд 8Land pollution

Land pollution

Слайд 9New lexical words
Read and write down the new words
to pollute the

environment - загрязнять окружающую среду
garbage - мусор
to hurt animals - обижать животных
to plant trees - сажать деревья
to throw away litter - выбрасывать мусор
to recycle waste paper - перерабатывать ненужную бумагу
to cut down baby trees - вырубать молодые деревца
to protect nature - охранять природу
to reuse bottles - использовать бутылки заново
to disturb wild animals - беспокоить диких животных
to reduce pollution - сократить загрязнение
New lexical wordsRead and write down the new wordsto pollute the environment - загрязнять окружающую средуgarbage -

Слайд 10Land pollution

Land pollution

Слайд 11Causes of land pollution
Improper disposal of sewage
Countries have difficulty finding suitable

places to dispose of the waste.

Where there is insufficient control over the proper disposal of waste, rubbish are either left in public places or illegal dumping grounds.

Causes of land pollutionImproper disposal of sewageCountries have difficulty finding suitable places to dispose of the waste.

Слайд 12Causes of land pollution
Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
Chemical fertilizers

and pesticides pollute the soil.
Pests usually develop resistance to pesticides over time causing farmers to increase the amount of pesticides used. As a result, the problem of soil contamination is worsened.
Causes of land pollutionExcessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticidesChemical fertilizers and pesticides pollute the soil.Pests usually

Слайд 13This has caused serious health problems for thousands of people in

the world!
This has caused serious health problems for thousands of people in the world!

Слайд 14Recycle aluminum cans!
What must we do in a order to save

our Earth?

If you throw out an aluminum can, it will still litter the Earth up to 500 years later.
The energy saved from one recycled aluminum can will operate a television set for 3 hours.

Recycle aluminum cans!What must we do in a order to save our Earth?If you throw out an

Слайд 15We have cut down thousands of our planet's trees, most of

them in tropical rainforests!
We have cut down thousands of our planet's trees, most of them in tropical rainforests!

Слайд 16This has killed a large number of animals and plants and

they have disappeared forever!
This has killed a large number of animals and plants and they have disappeared forever!

Слайд 17British and American children learn a lot about the environment at


All of them remember the three R's:

What can or must we

British and American children learn a lot about the environment at schoolAll of them remember the three R's:What

Слайд 18Let us look and check your ideas!
We can

using electricity.
We can using water.
We must cartons.
We must glass bottles.
We can newspapers.
We must paper.
We can plastic containers.








Let us look and check your ideas!We can        using electricity.We

Слайд 19There are a lot of factories and ______in my city.

_____ a lot of chemicals into the air and into the _____.
They poison water into the ____.
_______ is destroyed. Fish can’t live in it.
We must ______ nature as we can.

sea plants wildlife throw protect water







Put the words in the right place:

There are a lot of factories and ______in my city. They _____ a lot of chemicals into

Слайд 201 .Greenpeace - a) protects people; b) protects the environment

c) protects cities and towns.
2. Pollution is - a) good for people b) can kill people; c) good for the nature
3 .Recycling is a) a computer game; b) going on a bicycle again
c) using litter again
4. Air pollution is dangerous because - a) you can’t hear; b) you can’t see
c) you can’t breathe.
5. We can help animals if we - a) put them in the zoo; b) don’t kill them
c) don’t cut down the forests.
6. There will be no air without - a) fish b) trees c) animals.
7. Litter is - a) a place b) measure for water c) rubbish
8. What must you do with litter? - a) drop it; b) pick it up c) burn it.
9. Plants - a ) pollute air b )grow in the forest c )grow in the sea.
10. We can help the fish if - a) we buy an aquarium; b) we don’t pollute rivers and lakes and oceans; c) we save water.


1 .Greenpeace - a) protects people; b) protects the environment  c) protects cities and towns.2. Pollution

Слайд 21 Match the words on the

left with the
definitions on the right.
Match the words on the left with the

Слайд 22We've got to stop now, before it's too late! We mustn't

forget that planet Earth is our home!
We must protect it!
We've got to stop now, before it's too late! We mustn't forget that planet Earth is our

Слайд 23Книга:
01 - http://pic4you.ru/allimage/y2011/10-15/12216/1292878.png
02 - http://s2.pic4you.ru/allimage/y2013/04-24/24687/3406778.png
Зеленая бабочка:
Кисти для

Adobe Photoshop «Мыльные пузыри»:

Интернет - ресурсы

Книга:http://toolsforschool.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/dreamstimelarge_43523860.jpg Сияние: 01 - http://pic4you.ru/allimage/y2011/10-15/12216/1292878.png 02 - http://s2.pic4you.ru/allimage/y2013/04-24/24687/3406778.png Зеленая бабочка:http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4408/cadi-1986.745/0_89975_2e0a5432_XLКисти для Adobe Photoshop «Мыльные пузыри»: http://skyclipart.ru/allphotoshop/brushes/8-kist-dlya-fotoshopa-mylnye-puzyrii.html Интернет

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