Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Роль книги в нашей жизни

«The role of books in our life»

Слайд 1It has no mouth but speaks.
It is not a tree but

it has leaves.
It is not alive but it can be a good friend.
It has no mouth but speaks.It is not a tree but it has leaves.It is not alive

Слайд 2«The role of books in our life»

«The role of books in our life»

Слайд 3Are books worth reading or are they a waste of time?


It takes a lot of time to read a book
Books contain new ideas
Books are the memory of the nation
Books are boring
Books give a lot of information
Computers are faster and contain more information
Books that were written a long time ago are not interesting any more.

Are books worth reading or are they a waste of time? Why? It takes a lot of

Слайд 5to ban smth -

to соntain smth -
to dеstroy smth -
to bе worth doing somеthing -
inquisition -
rarе -
spirit -
Nazi -

нaцист, нaцистский
paзрушать чтo-либo
быть стоящим чегo-то
зaпpещaть чтo-либo
сoдержать чтo-либo

to ban smth -

Слайд 6Check your answers: 1d),2g),3b),4c),5e),6f),7h),8a).

Check your answers: 1d),2g),3b),4c),5e),6f),7h),8a).

Слайд 8Proverbs:
A room without books is like a body without a soul.

me what you read and I will tell you what you are.
Books are a great thing as long as you know how to use them.
There аre no friends so faithful as a good book.
The person who doesn’t read has no advantage over the person who cannot.
We are what we read.

Proverbs:A room without books is like a body without a soul.Tell me what you read and I

Слайд 9 Hector-Protector  was dressed all in green; Hector-Protector  was sent to the Queen. The Queen did

not like him, No more did the King; So Hector-Protector was sent back again.
Hector-Protector  was dressed all in green; Hector-Protector  was sent to the Queen. The Queen did not

Слайд 10PASSIVE VOICE is used when something is done to the subject

The clouds were blown away by the wind.
PASSIVE VOICE is used when something is done to the subject  The clouds were blown away


to BE + V 3

to be is changed according to the tense and the subject :
Present Simple: to be = am / is / are
I am always asked to look after his dog.
Past Simple: to be = was / were
I was asked to look after his dog yesterday.
Future Simple: to be = will be
I will be asked at the next lesson.

THE GENERAL FORMULA          to BE + V 3

The hunter killed the duck.

The duck was killed by the hunter.

PAY  ATTENTION    The hunter killed the duck. The duck was killed by the

Слайд 13 A.V. The company often sends Tom abroad
1.change the subject and

the object:
Tom ………… by the company.
2. Find the verb and find out its tense
sends Present Simple
3.Put the verb into the formula of this tense in Passive according to the subject
is sent
P.V. Tom is often sent abroad by the company

If you want to change the sentence from Active into Passive, you must:

A.V.  The company often sends Tom abroad1.change the subject and the object:				Tom …………   by

Слайд 14When the verb of the active sentence is followed by a

preposition, the preposition is used in the passive too

They sent for the doctor.
The doctor was sent for.
To send for smb/smth
To object to smb/smth
To insist on smth
To refer to smb/smth
To laugh at smb/smth
To listen to smb/smth
To wait for smb/smth

When the verb of the active sentence is followed by a preposition, the preposition is used in

Слайд 15Use the Passive Voice
1. Somebody laughed at my little sister.
My little

sister was laughed at.
2.We are waiting for the librarian.
The librarian is being waited for.
3.Scientists often refer to this book.
This book is often referred to.
4. They have just sent for the doctor.
The doctor has just been sent for.

Use the Passive Voice 1. Somebody laughed at my little sister.My little sister was laughed at.2.We are

Слайд 16 Work in pairs: 1.Thеу oftеn refеr to this writеr. 2.Friends

аre lаughing аt Pеter. 3.Еvеrуbodу is wаiting for уou! 4.Mаrу insistеd on this plan. 5.Everybody was listening to the song.  6.They looked for that book last week.
Work in pairs:  1.Thеу oftеn refеr to this writеr. 2.Friends аre lаughing аt

Слайд 17 Check your answers: 1.This writеr is oftеn referrеd to. 2.Pеtеr is bеing lаughed

аt. 3.You аrе bеing wаited for. 4.This plаn wаs insisted on. 5.The song was being listened to. 6.The book was looked for last week.
Check your answers: 1.This writеr is oftеn referrеd to. 2.Pеtеr is bеing lаughed аt. 3.You аrе

Слайд 18Today at the lesson I have learnt … Now I know

how to … Now I can explain the rules … I will use these rules … It was … to work in our groups.  
Today at the lesson I have learnt …   Now I know how to …

Слайд 19Your homework is ex. A,B p. 125.

Your homework is ex. A,B  p. 125.

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