Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Люди с ограниченными возможностями

Today more and more people struggle against different kinds of discrimination. And fortunately their struggle gives its results

Слайд 1Presentation of people with disabilities
student: Magomedhabibova Z. 9’’A’’class

Presentation  of people with disabilitiesstudent: Magomedhabibova Z. 9’’A’’class

Слайд 2Today more and more people struggle against different kinds of discrimination.

And fortunately their struggle gives its results
Today more and more people struggle against different kinds of discrimination. And fortunately their struggle gives its

Слайд 3People can become disabled for many reasons. They can get into

a car accident, have some injuries at work, it can be the results of some serious disease.
People can become disabled for many reasons. They can get into a car accident, have some injuries

Слайд 4Some people are disabled from their birth. Unfortunately most of the

times it is hard for these people to lead a normal life.
Some people are disabled from their birth. Unfortunately most of the times it is hard for these

Слайд 5Many of disabled people need constant care, someone who can do

the shopping, the cleaning and so on
Many of disabled people need constant care, someone who can do the shopping, the cleaning and so

Слайд 6Another big problem is that there aren’t so many jobs that

disabled people can do.
Another big problem is that there aren’t so many jobs that disabled people can do.

Слайд 7Fortunately, as it was said earlier, today the situation is changing,

and try to eliminate such problems.
Fortunately, as it was said earlier, today the situation is changing, and try to eliminate such problems.

Слайд 8But despite all these changes there are still so many problems

for disabled people and I believe we all need to take care of them.
But despite all these changes there are still so many problems for disabled people and I believe

Слайд 9There are also many athletes, musicians, scientists, who are famous for

their talents, strength and intelligence
There are also many athletes, musicians, scientists, who are famous for their talents, strength and intelligence

Слайд 10We have to take care of each other.

We have to take care of each other.

Слайд 11Thanks for watching

Thanks for watching

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