Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Почему важно изучать английский язык

Why is it important to learn English?Guess the meaning of the underlined words.English helps you to communicate with other people.He goes to conferences and makes presentations.Diplomats travel to different countries and speak a lot of languages.A

Слайд 1You live a new life for every new language you speak.


learn English!
It may ruin your life!
You live a new life for every new language you speak.Don`t learn English!It may ruin your life!

Слайд 2Why is it important to learn English?
Guess the meaning of the

underlined words.
English helps you to communicate with other people.
He goes to conferences and makes presentations.
Diplomats travel to different countries and speak a lot of languages.
A very successful politician can become president.
His daughter wants to be a secretary.
I like to read books in the original
Why is it important to learn English?Guess the meaning of the underlined words.English helps you to communicate

Слайд 3Listen and repeat after the speaker: an exchange programme to broadcast to earn

money knowledge to get acces to follow smth/smb peace and quiet
Listen and repeat after the speaker: an exchange programme  to broadcast to earn money knowledge to

Слайд 4Chose captions for the pictures
1-f; 2-I; 3-a; 4-d; 5-l; 6-h; 7-m;

8-k 9-j;
10-c; 11-b; 12-e; 13-g
Chose captions for the picturesCLUE:1-f; 2-I; 3-a; 4-d; 5-l; 6-h; 7-m; 8-k 9-j; 10-c; 11-b; 12-e; 13-g

Слайд 5If you learn it, 5 awful things can happen to you:

be able to travel all over the world and communicate with people everywhere.
You`ll always get the news first.
You`ll get access to information on any subject.
You`ll learn all about your favourite music group.
And worst of all: You`ll find a fantastic job and earn a lot of money.

Don`t learn English!

If you learn it, 5 awful things can happen to you:You`ll be able to travel all over

Слайд 6The end.

The end.

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