Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Christmas (3 класс)

The 18th of DecemberThursday

Жимбеева Маргарита Николаевна,
учитель английского языка
МОУ «Горячинская СОШ»

MERRY CHRISTMASЖимбеева Маргарита Николаевна,учитель английского языкаМОУ «Горячинская СОШ»

Слайд 2The 18th of December

The 18th of DecemberThursday

Слайд 3Learn new words:
Trafalgar Square [tr∂,fælg∂ ‘skwe∂]
London [lΛndn]
come [kΛm]
put [put]
shoes [∫u:z]
turkey [‘tз:ki]

Learn new words:Trafalgar Square [tr∂,fælg∂ ‘skwe∂]London [lΛndn]come [kΛm]put [put]shoes [∫u:z]turkey [‘tз:ki]

Слайд 4Merry Christmas is on the 25th of December. All children like

to decorate Christmas trees with colourful toys.
Merry Christmas is on the 25th of December. All children like to decorate Christmas trees with colourful

Слайд 5This night Santa Claus comes to give presents. He puts the

presents into the socks and under the Christmas tree.
This night Santa Claus comes to give presents. He puts the presents into the socks and under

Слайд 6In Great Britain in London there is a nice big Christmas

tree in Trafalgar Square.
In Great Britain in London there is a nice big Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square.

Слайд 7At Christmas American and British families eat turkey and Christmas pudding.

At Christmas American and British families eat turkey and Christmas pudding.

Слайд 8In France at Christmas boys and girls put their shoes in

the living room and Santa Claus puts presents in them.
In France at Christmas boys and girls put their shoes in the living room and Santa Claus

Слайд 9Answer the questions:
When is Christmas in Great Britain?
What do children decorate

with toys?
Who comes to give presents?
Where does he put presents?
What do families eat at Christmas?
What song do families sing at Christmas?
Answer the questions:When is Christmas in Great Britain?What do children decorate with toys?Who comes to give presents?Where

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