Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Why do we need sleep? (7 класс).

What is sleep?Until quite recently, scientists believed that sleep was a simple, resting state, but it isn't like this at all! When we sleep, our body temperature drops, our heart rate and other bodily functions slow

Слайд 1Catch Some Zzzs.

Catch Some Zzzs.

Слайд 2What is sleep?
Until quite recently, scientists believed that sleep was a

simple, resting state, but it isn't like this at all! When we sleep, our body temperature drops, our heart rate and other bodily functions slow down, but our brains stay very active.
What is sleep?Until quite recently, scientists believed that sleep was a simple, resting state, but it isn't

Слайд 3What are the different stages?
There are four different stages of sleep

that repeat every 90 to 110 minutes. Stages N1 and N2 are light sleep and we can easily wake up. In stage N3, we sleep more deeply and it's harder to wake up. Some people may also sleepwalk or talk in their sleep. The last stage is REM* sleep. Our eyes move around, our brain is very active, and we have a lot of dreams.

 *REM – rapid eye movement.

What are the different stages?There are four different stages of sleep that repeat every 90 to 110

Слайд 4Why do we need sleep?
While we sleep, our brain sorts through

information, replaces chemicals, repairs cells, and solves problems. Lack of sleep seriously affects our mind and body. When we don't rest enough, we may feel grumpy, forgetful and unable to concentrate. Lack of sleep can also affect our immune system. Over a long time, it may cause depression and personality changes and eventually even shorten our life.
Why do we need sleep?While we sleep, our brain sorts through information, replaces chemicals, repairs cells, and

Слайд 5How much sleep do we need?
It's different for everyone, but

on average, babies need 16 to 18 hours of sleep, teenagers about 9 and adults about 7 to 8.
How much sleep do we need? It's different for everyone, but on average, babies need 16 to

Слайд 6Tips for getting a good night's sleep.
You should try to go

to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This helps your body to get into a routine.
Avoid drinks like cola and coffee before bedtime they contain caffeine that keeps you awake.
Don't exercise or watch scary movies just before going to bed This will wake your body up too much and you might find it difficult to fall asleep.
Have a calming bedtime routine, such as having a warm bath or reading.
Tips for getting a good night's sleep.You should try to go to sleep and wake up at

Слайд 7Check these words:

Check these words:

Слайд 8 Resting state - |ˈrestɪŋ steɪt|- состояние покоя

Resting state - |ˈrestɪŋ steɪt|-  состояние покоя

Слайд 9Heart rate - |hɑːt reɪt|- чистота сердцебиения

Heart rate - |hɑːt reɪt|-  чистота сердцебиения

Слайд 10Bodily function - |ˈbɒdɪli ˈfʌŋkʃn|- функции организма

Bodily function - |ˈbɒdɪli ˈfʌŋkʃn|-  функции организма

Слайд 11Brain - |breɪn|- мозг

Brain - |breɪn|-  мозг

Слайд 12Grumpy - |ˈɡrʌmpi|- сварливый

Grumpy - |ˈɡrʌmpi|-  сварливый

Слайд 13Forgetful - |fərˈɡetfl|- забывчивый

Forgetful - |fərˈɡetfl|-  забывчивый

Слайд 14Depression - |dɪˈpreʃn|- депрессия

Depression - |dɪˈpreʃn|-  депрессия

Слайд 15Thanks for your attention.

Thanks for your attention.

Слайд 16Catch Some Zzzs.

Catch Some Zzzs.

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