Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему In our hearts

Terror Ephraim: 1. The threat of physical violence for political or any other reasons. 2. Intimidation with threat of violence or murder.

Слайд 1Terrorism - a threat to society

Terrorism - a threat to society

Слайд 3Terror Ephraim:
1. The threat of physical violence for political

or any other reasons.
2. Intimidation with threat of violence or murder.
Terror Ephraim:  1. The threat of physical violence for political or any other reasons.

Слайд 4 Terror – is intimidation of political opponents, expressed in

physical violence, up to destruction.
Terror – is intimidation of political opponents, expressed in physical violence, up to destruction.

Слайд 5High school in Beslan

High school in Beslan

Слайд 6Month of September the first number!
Hurry all school doors open slightly.

graders who dreamed long ago
The threshold of the school in time to cross!
They did not know that their first step,
How was the first, so may be the last.
That they captured damn enemy
He is like death, he dressed in black.
In the gym, they herded schoolchildren.
Overcome with hunger and thirst,
In this heat kept without water.
Not about the food, about the life of every thought!
Some, like a shield, and placed a window.
A shot just unruly,
Living cleaned with eyes tear.
Militants suddenly become heroes.
Month of September the first number!Hurry all school doors open slightly.Here graders who dreamed long agoThe threshold

Слайд 7Secondary schools number one in Beslan was seized by a group

of terrorists September 1, 2004. more than 1,200 people were taken hostage. Within three day they were kept bomb a school gym.
Secondary schools number one in Beslan was seized by a group of terrorists September 1, 2004. more

Слайд 8At 9 hours and 20 minutes terrorists seized a large group

of students and their parents. Schoolyard held solemn line. Gunmen drove up to the school by several groups. Shooting in the air, they began to drive the confused and frightened people in the sports hall of the school. Hostages placed on the floor. The room was very stuffy, the windows were closed. Terrorists stretched around the perimeter of the hall wires attaching IEDs.
At 9 hours and 20 minutes terrorists seized a large group of students and their parents. Schoolyard

Слайд 9 The terrorists demanded the authorities to release militants detained

on suspicion of involvement in the attack on Ingushetia on June 21-22, 2004, and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya. Negotiation had come Ingush President Murat Zyazikov , North Ossetian President Alexander Dzasokhov and doctor Leonid Roshal . The terrorists threatened to blow up a school building in the case of assault and kill 50 hostages for every terrorist liquidated . Special services transferred to terrorists that are ready to give them the opportunity of safe travel to Ingushetia and Chechnya .
The terrorists demanded the authorities to release militants detained on suspicion of involvement in the

Слайд 11Hundreds of children and adults were injured

Hundreds of children and adults were injured

Слайд 14 In families of former hostages appeared more than 40 kids.

Most parents are native, some receptors.     - Place of dead children in our hearts no one should - in one voice say parents - but these kids give us the strength to live.
In families of former hostages appeared more than 40 kids. Most parents are native, some receptors.

Слайд 15We remember you, Beslan!

We remember you, Beslan!

Слайд 16 The Beslan tragedy caused a major stir throughout the country.

From the far corners of our Motherland were sending money, things, writing in North Ossetia. Help affected students and their parents have many Russian schools.
The Beslan tragedy caused a major stir throughout the country. From the far corners of our

Слайд 17No terrorism!

No terrorism!

Слайд 18In the school gym 3 days held hostage. People come here,

lit candles, laid wreaths and flowers, brought toys and water bottles, in memory of how the hostages suffered from thirst. On the walls were hung with pictures of the victims, including photos of the war, who gave their lives to save the children.
In the school gym 3 days held hostage. People come here, lit candles, laid wreaths and flowers,

Слайд 20 September 2, at the request of former President Ruslan

Aushev, the militants released 26 people (mothers with infants). When heard two explosions spetspozrazdeleniya Russian army and the FSB stormed. In captivity, the school attended by no more than 32 terrorists.
September 2, at the request of former President Ruslan Aushev, the militants released 26 people

Слайд 22 On the third day, about 13:05 in the school

there were explosions, and later there was a fire, resulting in the partial collapse of the building. After the first explosions hostages began to run out of the school. Assault began. Killing more than 334 people, including 186 children, and more than 800 injured. 28 terrorists were killed. The only terrorist caught alive Nurpasha Kulaev court was sentenced to life imprisonment, and the organizers of hostage named Aslan Maskhadov, Shamil Basayev and others.
On the third day, about 13:05 in the school there were explosions, and later there

Слайд 23"Tree of Sorrow" - a monument to the victims of the

terrorist act. He is standing with his back to each other in three women over whom the angels fly away into the sky, symbolizing the dead children.

Слайд 24Tree of Sorrow

Tree of Sorrow

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