Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему In the spotlight

Joanne Rowling

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Joanne Rowling

Joanne Rowling

Слайд 3True


Слайд 6Choose the correct word
1. He is better / the best

at playing the violin than his brother.
2. Mary is the funniest / funnier than Kate.
3. Cameron Diaz is my more favourite / the most favourite actress.
4. James is the tallest/taller than Mike.
5. Steven Spielberg is more talented / the most talented film director in the world.
6. She is the oldest/ older woman in the office.

Choose the correct word 1. He is better / the best at playing the violin than his

Слайд 7An action which has happened and which is connected with the


Present Perfect

A past action whose time is not mentioned and it is not connected with the present.

Past Simple

An action which has happened and which is connected with the present.  Present Perfect A past

Слайд 8Actions which happened one after the other in the past

Past Simple

that happened in the recent past and its results affect the present

Present Perfect

Actions which happened one after the other in the pastPast Simple  Something that happened in the

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