Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Vanishing animals (9 класс)

Musk deerThis small deer animal with fangs lives in mountain coniferous forests of Sayan, Altai, Transbaikalia and Primorye. Despite its awesome appearance, musk deer feeds exclusively on vegetation. However, musk deer is remarkable not only by

Слайд 1Vanishing animals

Vanishing animals

Слайд 2Musk deer
This small deer animal with fangs lives in mountain coniferous

forests of Sayan, Altai, Transbaikalia and Primorye. Despite its awesome appearance, musk deer feeds exclusively on vegetation. However, musk deer is remarkable not only by this, but also by its attractive smell, which lures females for mating. This smell is due to the musky gland, located in the belly of the male next to the urogenital canal. As you know, musk is a valuable component of various drugs and perfumes. And it is precisely because of him that musk deer often becomes prey of hunters and poachers.
Musk deerThis small deer animal with fangs lives in mountain coniferous forests of Sayan, Altai, Transbaikalia and

Слайд 3Japanese green dove
This unusual bird-about 300 grams has a bright yellowish-green

color. It is common in Southeast Asia, but also found in the Sakhalin region .. The bird inhabits deciduous and mixed forests with an abundance of cherry and bird cherry trees, elderberry bushes and other plants whose fruits feed on. Japanese Green Dove is a rare species, and therefore life is little known.
Japanese green doveThis unusual bird-about 300 grams has a bright yellowish-green color. It is common in Southeast

Слайд 4Black stork
This is a widespread, but rare species, the number of

which is reduced due to human economic activity, manifested in deforestation and drainage of wetlands. Today, the bird is found in forests from the Kaliningrad and Leningrad regions to the southern Primorye. The black stork prefers to settle near water bodies in remote, old forests.
Black storkThis is a widespread, but rare species, the number of which is reduced due to human

Слайд 5Red or mountain wolf
This representative of the animal world has a

body length of up to 1 meter, and can weigh from 12 to 21 kg. Externally, it can be confused with a fox, and this is one of the main reasons for its extinction. Hunters, who know a little about animals, massively shoot a mountain wolf. He drew attention to people with his fluffy fur, which has a beautiful bright red color. It is also worth noting that its tail is slightly different from the fox, having a black tip. The habitat of this wolf is the Far East, China and Mongolia.
Red or mountain wolfThis representative of the animal world has a body length of up to 1

Слайд 6Thanks for attention

Thanks for attention

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