Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Australia



Слайд 1“Australia”
Worked by
Grichanova Margarita
Form 9 “B”
Teacher Stepanenko N.V
Nomination: Geography
Municipal Budget Educational

Institution Secondary Education School № 15
“Australia”Worked by Grichanova MargaritaForm 9 “B”Teacher Stepanenko N.VNomination: GeographyMunicipal Budget Educational Institution Secondary Education School № 15





Слайд 4 Australia itself is made up of the mainland of

Australia and the island of Tasmania in the South. It is located between the Pacific and the Indian oceans in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Commonwealth of Australia is formed of Australia, Tasmania and several smaller islands.

Australia itself is made up of the mainland of Australia and the island of Tasmania

Слайд 5 The Australian continent is washed in the North

by the Timor Sea, the Arafura Sea, Gulf of Carpentaria and Torres Strait, in the east by the Tasman Sea and the Coral Sea of the South Pacific Ocean, in the South by Bass Strait and the Indian Ocean.
The Australian continent is washed in the North by the Timor Sea, the Arafura

Слайд 6 Australia’s neighbouring countries are Indonesia, East Timor and Papua

New Guinea in the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia in the north-east and New Zealand in the south-east.
Australia’s neighbouring countries are Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea in the north, the

Слайд 7Interesting facts
Australia is the oldest continent, because some

rocks are more than 3 million years old.

Australia is the driest continent of all after Antarctica. Most of it is a semi-desert. South-east is not so dry compared to the rest of the land, so it is good for living.

Australia is the flattest continent of all. But still it has mountains.

Interesting facts   Australia is the oldest continent, because some rocks are more than 3 million



Слайд 9 The seasons here are the other way round. Summer

is from December to February, autumn is from March to May, winter is from June to August and spring is from September to November.
The seasons here are the other way round. Summer is from December to February, autumn

Слайд 10 The climate of Australia rangers from tropical in the

North, to cool temperate in the south-east where it even often snows in winter.
The climate of Australia rangers from tropical in the North, to cool temperate in the

Слайд 11 The continent suffers from the lack of fresh water.

There is not much rain in many parts of the country and they are vey dry. South Australia is the driest state of the driest continent of the Earth.
The continent suffers from the lack of fresh water. There is not much rain in



Слайд 13 The isolated geographical position of Australia had great influence

on its fauna and flora. That is why many animals and plants developed differently from those on other continents.

Australia is a land of birds and animals which can not be found anywhere else in the world.

The isolated geographical position of Australia had great influence on its fauna and flora. That

Слайд 14 The kangaroo is a marsupial animal, i. e.

an animal that carries babies in the pouch for eight months. It is the largest marsupial in the world. It can weigh 85 kgs.

The koala is a small bear-like animal which lives in the eucaliptus trees. Most of its time the koala spends in these trees sleeping. However, they like to eat only some kinds of eucaliptus trees that grow in Australia.

The kangaroo is a marsupial animal, i. e. an animal that carries babies in

Слайд 15 The echidna and the platypus are the only two

egg-laying mammals in the world.

There are 800 varieties of birds in Australia. Among them there are emus, eagles, hawkes, parrots, cockatoos, lyrebirds, bower-birds, kooka-burras and black swans.

The dingo is a wild dog about 50 centimetres high and usually sandy-colored.

The echidna and the platypus are the only two egg-laying mammals in the world.



Слайд 17 The first Europeans visited the shores of Australia

in 1606. Spanish sea captain, Luiz Vaez de Torres, sailed through the strait which wad named Torres Strait after him.
In the 17 century the lands of Australia and New Zealand were discovered by Dutch explorers – Dirk Hartog in 1616 and Abel Tasman in 1642.
The first Englishman to visit the continent was a buccaneer William Dampiar who landed there in 1699.
Capitan James Cook, an Englishman, visited Australia in 1770 and saw unusual plants and animals and called this place “Botany Bay”.
In 1788 six ships started to Australia. Capitan Arthur Phillip commanded this fleet. The first ship of convicts and their guards landed in January 1788 where Sydney stands today. These people were called “First Fleet”.
More and more people moved in Australia.
The first Europeans visited the shores of Australia in 1606. Spanish sea captain, Luiz

Слайд 18 In 1901 six separate colonies in Australia united and

became the States of the Commonwealth of Australia. It became a part of the British Empire under Queen Victoria’s rule.
The new Australian constitution was introduced on January 1st, 1901 when Australians celebrated the birth of a new nation. But still Great Britain made decisions about Australia’s foreign policy.
In 1931 Australia got independence from Great Britain.
In 1901 six separate colonies in Australia united and became the States of the Commonwealth



Слайд 20 Australia consist of six states and two territories.

Australia consist of six states and two territories.

Слайд 21Big cities of Australia
Melbourne is the capital of Victoria state.

Big cities of AustraliaMelbourne is the capital of Victoria state.

Слайд 22 Sydney is the capital of New South Wales. It

is the largest and one of the most well-known cities in Australia. It is often called “Paris of the Pacific”.
Sydney is the capital of New South Wales. It is the largest and one of

Слайд 23Adelaide is the capital of South Australia.

Adelaide is the capital of South Australia.

Слайд 24 Brisbane is the capital of Queensland.

Brisbane is the capital of Queensland.

Слайд 25Perth is the capital of Western Australia.

Perth is the capital of Western Australia.

Слайд 26Canberra is the capital city of the Commonwealth of the Australia.

Canberra is the capital city of the Commonwealth of the Australia.



Слайд 28 Australia’s formal name is the Commonwealth of Australia.

The form of government in Australia is a constitutional monarchy.
The formal Head of State is the Monarch of Great Britain (now Queen Elizabeth II).
Australia’s formal name is the Commonwealth of Australia.  The form of government in Australia

Слайд 29 Australia has a Parliament in each state and the

Federal Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia in Canberra. The federal government is headed by the Prime Minister.
Australia has a Parliament in each state and the Federal Parliament of the Commonwealth of



Слайд 31 The flag of Australia was chosen in 1901, and

in 1954 it became the Australian National flag.
The flag of Australia was chosen in 1901, and in 1954 it became the Australian

Слайд 32 The Commonwealth coat of arms is the formal

symbol of the Commonwealth of Australia. Symbols of Australia’s six states are together on its shield.
The national floral emblem is the golden wattle (acacia).
The kangaroo and the emu are Australian native animals.
The platypus and the kookaburra are the symbols of New South Wales, the koala is Queensland’s symbol and the symbol of Western Australia is the black swan.
The Commonwealth coat of arms is the formal symbol of the Commonwealth of Australia.



Слайд 34 Australian population is made up of 3 groups:

Original Australians (or Aboriginies).
Old Australians (or Aussie).
New Australians.
Australian population is made up of 3 groups:  Original Australians (or Aboriginies).  Old

Слайд 35 The continent of Australia has been inhabited by indigenous

people or original Australians. The were dark-skinned Aboriginies. They came to the Australian continent from south-east Asia at least 40,000 years ago.

Now the Aboriginies live mainly in reservations in the tropical and desert areas. There are almost 60,000 of them.

The continent of Australia has been inhabited by indigenous people or original Australians. The were

Слайд 36 Old Australians or Aussies are people of Anglo-Saxon or

Irish origin. They were actually born in Australia and speak English as their mother tongue.
Old Australians or Aussies are people of Anglo-Saxon or Irish origin. They were actually born

Слайд 37New Australians are immigrants who came to the country after World

War II.
New Australians are immigrants who came to the country after World War II.

Слайд 38 Now Australia is a multicultural society. People came here

from all over the world. Most of the population of Australia (around 80 per cent) inhabit six capitals of the coastal line. These cities are Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbain, Hobart and Perth.
Now Australia is a multicultural society. People came here from all over the world. Most



Слайд 40New Year (01.01)
The Valentine’s Day (14.02)
Commonwealth Day,
Canberra Day (14.03)

Easter (08.04)

Father’s Day (02.09)

Christmas (25.12)

Foundation Day (04.05)

Mother’s Day (13.05)

New Year (01.01) The Valentine’s Day (14.02) Commonwealth Day,Canberra Day (14.03)Catholic Easter (08.04)Father’s Day (02.09)Christmas (25.12)Foundation Day



Слайд 42Australian football and cricket

Australian football and cricket

Слайд 43Baseball and netball

Baseball and netball

Слайд 44Surfing




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