The Commonwealth of Australia is formed of Australia, Tasmania and several smaller islands.
Australia is the driest continent of all after Antarctica. Most of it is a semi-desert. South-east is not so dry compared to the rest of the land, so it is good for living.
Australia is the flattest continent of all. But still it has mountains.
Australia is a land of birds and animals which can not be found anywhere else in the world.
The koala is a small bear-like animal which lives in the eucaliptus trees. Most of its time the koala spends in these trees sleeping. However, they like to eat only some kinds of eucaliptus trees that grow in Australia.
There are 800 varieties of birds in Australia. Among them there are emus, eagles, hawkes, parrots, cockatoos, lyrebirds, bower-birds, kooka-burras and black swans.
The dingo is a wild dog about 50 centimetres high and usually sandy-colored.
Now the Aboriginies live mainly in reservations in the tropical and desert areas. There are almost 60,000 of them.
Father’s Day (02.09)
Christmas (25.12)
Foundation Day (04.05)
Mother’s Day (13.05)
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