Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему :,,Question tags ,,

Tag questions Разделительные вопросы употребляются:Для получения подтверждения справедливости высказывания It is boring, isn't it? 2. Для получения согласия с высказанной точкой зрения You

Слайд 1Tag questions

Tag questions

Слайд 2Tag questions
Разделительные вопросы употребляются:
Для получения подтверждения справедливости высказывания

It is boring, isn't it?
2. Для получения согласия с высказанной точкой зрения
You haven't been to the party, have you?
Tag questions Разделительные вопросы употребляются:Для получения подтверждения справедливости высказывания

Слайд 3
He is a her new friend, isn't he?
You weren't in London,

were you?
They have got a car, haven't they?
She didn't see him, did she?
Jane should be here right now, shouldn't she?
Phil works here, doesn't he?
They hadn't seen him, had they?
He worked in the garden, didn't he?

He is a her new friend, isn't he?You weren't in London, were you? They have got a

Слайд 4Helpful hints
если вопрос начинается с I am, то краткая

часть содержит aren't I?
I am right, aren't I?
если вопрос начинается с I am not, то краткая часть содержит am I.
I am not stupid, am I?
Helpful hints если вопрос начинается с I am, то краткая часть содержит aren't I?

Слайд 5
Let`s …, shall we?
There are …, aren't there?
You have never been

to Britain, have you?
Nothing is perfect, is it?
Nobody came, did they?
Sit down, won't you?

Let`s …, shall we?There are …, aren't there?You have never been to Britain, have you?Nothing is perfect,

Слайд 6Exercises
She is a very good pupil, isn't she?
Your friends live

in Moscow, don't they?
John was late, wasn't he?
They don't like playing football, do they?
Tim won't come back tomorrow, will he?
They are never hungry, are they?
I am right, aren't I?
He helped you with the test, didn't he?
Martin works very hard, doesn't he?
There are no chairs in the room, are there?

Exercises  She is a very good pupil, isn't she?Your friends live in Moscow, don't they?John was

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