Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Букет для мамы

This holiday is celebrated all over the world.

Слайд 1 БУКЕТ ДЛЯ МАМЫ The Bouquet for Mummy

БУКЕТ ДЛЯ МАМЫ 		The Bouquet for Mummy

Слайд 2This holiday is celebrated all over the world.

This holiday is celebrated all over the world.

Слайд 3Ancient celts in Ireland worshipped mother of all gods – Bridgit.

Ancient celts in Ireland worshipped mother of all gods – Bridgit.

Слайд 4In the 13th century Henry III ordered rich people to let

the servants go to their “Mother” churches on the 4th Sunday of Lent.
In the 13th century Henry III ordered rich people to let the servants go to their “Mother”

Слайд 5 Simnel cake – a light

fruit cake.
Simnel cake – a light fruit cake.

Слайд 6Julia Ward Howe – the president of Assotiation of American Women

(suffragettes). 1870 – her Mother’s Day Proclamation .
Julia Ward Howe – the president of Assotiation of American Women (suffragettes). 1870 – her Mother’s Day

Слайд 7Anna Jarvis organized the first Mother’s Day. In 1914 Woodrow Wilson

declared this holiday as a state one.
Anna Jarvis organized the first Mother’s Day. In 1914 Woodrow Wilson declared this holiday as a state

Слайд 8Mother’s Day in Russia (last day of November) - since 1998

Mother’s Day in Russia (last day of November) - since 1998

Слайд 9Narcissus is the symbol of love and happy marriage

Narcissus is the symbol of love and happy marriage

Слайд 10 Blue flowers symbolize loyalty

Blue flowers symbolize loyalty

Слайд 11 Red flowers mean ardent love

Red flowers mean ardent love

Слайд 12 Pink - tenderness

Pink - tenderness

Слайд 13Chamomile is the symbol of love, family and loyalty in Russia Ромашка

– Российский символ любви, семьи и верности
Chamomile is the symbol of love, family and loyalty in Russia Ромашка – Российский символ любви, семьи

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