Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE

HEALTHHealth is the greatest wealth.Health is beauty.Health is the power of the mind.Health is something that should be protected.Health is necessary for everyone – children, adults and even animals.Health is a long and happy life.Health is

Слайд 1" A healthy lifestyle "
Подготовили: Глазунова Алиса, ученица 7 Б класса,

Светлана Леонидовна, учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории МБОУ СОШ № 9

Г. Новочеркасск
2017 г.

Health is the greatest wealth.
Health is beauty.
Health is the power of

the mind.
Health is something that should be protected.
Health is necessary for everyone – children, adults and even animals.
Health is a long and happy life.
Health is when you are joyful and you do it.
HEALTHHealth is the greatest wealth.Health is beauty.Health is the power of the mind.Health is something that should

Слайд 3I health coast - to myself I will help
I know how

to think,
I know how to talk,
it is important for healthy
- and then I will choose.
I health coast - to myself I will helpI know how to think,I know how to talk,

Слайд 4importantly

importantlyregime movement, diethardening.

Слайд 5Healthy world - the path to success.

Healthy world - the path to success.

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