Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Социокультурные стереотипы.

A stereotype is a held popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals.

Слайд 1Socio-cultural stereotypes

Socio-cultural stereotypes

Слайд 2A stereotype is a held popular belief about specific social groups

or types of individuals.
A stereotype is a held popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals.

Слайд 3Linguists define four main aspects of stereotypes:
Stereotypes are simpler than

People get stereotypes from other people or Mass Media but do not from by themselves on their own experience.
Most stereotypes are wrong as they refer to the whole group but not an individual.
Stereotypes are very enduring.

Linguists define four main aspects of stereotypes: Stereotypes are simpler than reality.People get stereotypes from other people

Слайд 4The common stereotypes groups are generally based on:
Religious belief
Social class

The common stereotypes groups are generally based on:AgeRaceEthnicityGenderNationalityReligious beliefProfessionSocial class

Слайд 5Gender stereotypes:
Men are strong and do all the work
Man are backbone

Girls are not good at sports
Gender stereotypes:Men are strong and do all the workMan are backbone Girls are not good at sports

Слайд 6Stereotypes also exist about cultures and countries as a whole. Stereotype

examples of this sort include the premises that:

Cultural Stereotypes:
All white Americans are obese, lazy and a dim-witted. Homer Simpson from the TV series «The Simpsons» is the personification of this stereotype.
All Mexicans are lazy and came into America illegally.
All people who live in England have bad teeth.
All African-Americans outside the United States are poor.
All Irish people eat potatoes.
All Asian like to eat rice and drive slow.

Stereotypes also exist about cultures and countries as a whole. Stereotype examples of this sort include the

Слайд 7A different type of stereotype also involves grouping of individuals. Skaters,

Goths, Gangsters, and Preps are a few examples. Most of the stereotyping is taking place in schools. For example:

Groups of Individuals
Goths wear black clothes, black makeup, are depressed and hated by society.
Punks where mohawks, spikes, chains, are a meanie to society and are always getting in trouble.
All politicians think only of personal gain and benefit.
Girls are only concerned about physical appearance.
All blondes are unintelligent.

A different type of stereotype also involves grouping of individuals. Skaters, Goths, Gangsters, and Preps are a

Слайд 8All these stereotypes may contain both positive and negative evaluation
Negative stereotypes:

librarians are women who are old, wear glasses, tie a high bun and have a perpetual flown on their face.
Girls are not good at sports.

All these stereotypes may contain both positive and negative evaluationNegative stereotypes:All librarians are women who are old,

Слайд 9Positive stereotypes:
All blacks are great basketball players.
All Asians are geniuses.
All Indians

are deeply spiritual.
All Latinos dance well.
French are romantic.

Positive stereotypes:All blacks are great basketball players.All Asians are geniuses.All Indians are deeply spiritual.All Latinos dance well.French

Слайд 10National British Stereotypes
English people drink tea all day.
Each Brit consumes 1.89

KG of tea per year according to 2009 figures and are ranked 6th in a list which is topped by the United Arab Emirates, followed by Ireland and Mauritania. Of course, tea is the 2nd most popular drink in the world next to water, so Britons are not alone in their collective love for a cuppa!
National British StereotypesEnglish people drink tea all day.Each Brit consumes 1.89 KG of tea per year according

Слайд 11English love to queue
Although no-one in their right mind loves to

queue anywhere, many British people will state that they would prefer forming an orderly queue than the type of ‘free for all’ policy they may have seen adopted in other countries (although this in itself might be yet another stereotype!) However, the record for longest toilet queue is actually held by the Belgians and occurred when 756 people waited in line to use a latrine as part of UNICEF World Water Day activities!
English love to queueAlthough no-one in their right mind loves to queue anywhere, many British people will

Слайд 12Britons are obsessed with the class system
Although traditional class boundaries have

become more blurred over the years, most Britons do tend to identify with one of the 3 main classes for better or for worse and although some claim that social mobility is greater now than it was for previous generations, evidence suggests that Britain unfortunately remains divided along class lines.
Britons are obsessed with the class systemAlthough traditional class boundaries have become more blurred over the years,

Слайд 13Britons love to celebrate Royal occasions
This is definitely true as Royal

Weddings and Jubilees are lavish occasions which millions of Britons love to celebrate by waving Union Jacks, organising street parties and donning fantastic Great British fancy dress costumes! Indeed, as 24.5 million viewers watched the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Princess Catherine on TV last year, if a Royal Wedding was held every week it would certainly eclipse viewing figures of ‘EastEnders’ , ‘Coronation Street’ and ‘The X Factor’!
Britons love to celebrate Royal occasionsThis is definitely true as Royal Weddings and Jubilees are lavish occasions

Слайд 14It rains every day in Britain
Although Britain receives its fair share

of rain, in 2009 the UK received less annual rainfall than Norway, Switzerland, Japan or New Zealand. It’s true that sodden citizens of Glasgow can expect around 48 inches of rain a year but this is only half the amount that the good people of Bergen, Norway can look forward to!
It rains every day in BritainAlthough Britain receives its fair share of rain, in 2009 the UK

Слайд 15All Britons have bad teeth
There seems to be no factual basis

for this stereotype, dental hygiene in the UK compares well to that of any other developed nation. However, some British cultural icons do have very ‘unusual’ teeth; such as Rab C Nesbitt and Ken Dodd.
All Britons have bad teethThere seems to be no factual basis for this stereotype, dental hygiene in

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