Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Поговорим о знаменитостях (6 класс)

Phonetic exercise. Read the following sounds.[e], [e], [e][Əv], [Ə], [Əv], [Ə][i:], [i], [i:], [i][h], [h], [h], [h][ǽ], [ǽ], [ǽ], [ǽ]

Слайд 1Unit 1. Section 2. Talking about the famous people.

Unit 1. Section 2. Talking about the famous people.

Слайд 2Phonetic exercise. Read the following sounds.
[e], [e], [e]
[Əv], [Ə], [Əv], [Ə]

[i], [i:], [i]
[h], [h], [h], [h]
[ǽ], [ǽ], [ǽ], [ǽ]
Phonetic exercise. Read the following sounds.[e], [e], [e][Əv], [Ə], [Əv], [Ə][i:], [i], [i:], [i][h], [h], [h], [h][ǽ],

Слайд 3Look at the pictures. Guess who are they and say what

these people are famous for.

Agatha Christie

Charlie Chaplin

William Shakespeare

John Lennon

Look at the pictures. Guess who are they and say what these people are famous for.Agatha ChristieCharlie

Слайд 4Arthur Conan Doyle
Joseph Turner
Mark Twain
Daniel Defoe

Arthur Conan DoyleJoseph TurnerMark TwainDaniel Defoe

Слайд 5Close your books. Fill in the gaps.
… - a policeman
… -

a manager
sport - …
to run - …
… - a banker
music - …
… - writer
… - architect
art - …

Close your books. Fill in the gaps.… - a policeman… - a managersport - …to run -

Слайд 6Read information about the famous people.
Sir Winston Churchill [‘winstƏn ‘tʃƏ:tʃil] –

an English politician. He was the Prime Minister during the World War II.

Margaret Thatcher [ma:gƏrƏt ‘ƟǽtʃƏ] – a well-known British politician. She was the first woman Prime Minister.

Read information about the famous people.Sir Winston Churchill [‘winstƏn ‘tʃƏ:tʃil] – an English politician. He was the

Слайд 7Savva Morozov – a famous Russian businessman, helped poor people.
Anna Pavlova

– was a well-known Russian ballet-dancer.

Garry Kasparov – was a famous chess player.

Savva Morozov – a famous Russian businessman, helped poor people.Anna Pavlova – was a well-known Russian ballet-dancer.Garry

Слайд 8 [‘ainstain] – a great American scientist.
Pablo Picasso [‘pæblƏu pi’kæseu] –

a famous Spanish artist.
[‘ainstain] – a great American scientist.Pablo Picasso [‘pæblƏu pi’kæseu] – a famous Spanish artist.

Слайд 9Complete the crossword.
… is the first woman Prime Minister.
… is an

English singer, guitar player, who was a member of the Beatles.
… is an English writer of popular books and plays. She is famous for her detective stories.
Sir Arthur Conan … is a British doctor who wrote stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.
… Pavlova is a famous ballet-dancer.
… is a famous British Prime Minister.
D. … is an English writer. His most famous novel is “Robinson Crusoe”.
Complete the crossword.… is the first woman Prime Minister.… is an English singer, guitar player, who was

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