Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Достопримечательности г. Кирова

Kirov is one of the most historical cities in Russia. There are 11 historical monuments, 22 architectural monuments, 3 art monuments and 1 archaeological monument of federal importance.

Слайд 1Kirov - Vyatka
Places of interest

Kirov - VyatkaPlaces of interest

Слайд 2 Kirov is one of the most historical cities in

Russia. There are 11 historical monuments, 22 architectural monuments, 3 art monuments and 1 archaeological monument of federal importance.
Kirov is one of the most historical cities in Russia. There are 11 historical monuments,

Слайд 3The heart of our city is The Theatre Square. It’s the

place of the most important events in Kirov. It is called “Theatre” because of the Kirov Drama Theatre, which is also situated here. The square was founded in 1937 after the Building of Administration had been built here.

The Theatre square

The heart of our city is The Theatre Square. It’s the place of the most important events

Слайд 4Kirov Drama Theatre
There are a lot of sights near the Theatre

Square, they are: the Kirov Drama Theatre, the monuments to Lenin and Chaliapin, the Wishing Tree, The Building of Vyatka State University and fountain
Kirov Drama TheatreThere are a lot of sights near the Theatre Square, they are: the Kirov Drama

Слайд 5The monument to Chaliapin
The monument to Lenin

The monument to ChaliapinThe monument to Lenin

Слайд 6Fountain
Wishing Tree

Fountain Wishing Tree

Слайд 7Every winter the major New Year Tree stays here.

Every winter the major New Year Tree stays here.

Слайд 8Spasskaya Street
Spasskaya Street is one of the oldest streets in our

city. Some part of the street is pedestrian now. There are a lot of old buildings here, some museums and monuments (for example the sculpture The Place of Meeting).
Spasskaya StreetSpasskaya Street is one of the oldest streets in our city. Some part of the street

Слайд 9The Place of Meeting
The sculpture is made of
bronze in the

style of Dymkovo Toys.
The Place of Meeting The sculpture is made of bronze in the style of Dymkovo Toys.

Слайд 10Dymkovo toys
Dymkovo toys, also known as the Vyatka toys or Kirov

toys are moulded painted clay figures of people and animals (sometimes in the form of a pennywhistle). It is one of the old Russian folk art handicrafts, which still exists in a village of Dymkovo near Kirov (former Vyatka). Traditionally, the Dymkovo toys are made by women.

Dymkovo toysDymkovo toys, also known as the Vyatka toys or Kirov toys are moulded painted clay figures

Слайд 11Kirov’s park
Kirov’s Park is also one of the most favorite

places in Kirov. It was founded in 1950-s. Here you can find a pond with ducks, fountain, green slopes, narrow paths . This place is also very popular among the tourists, because they can see different kinds of sights here.
Kirov’s park Kirov’s Park is also one of the most favorite places in Kirov. It was founded

Слайд 12Assumption Trifonov Monastery in Kirov
Assumption Trifonov Monastery, located on the embankment

of the Vyatka River, is one of the oldest cultural monuments and main sights of Kirov. In the center of it, you can find the Cathedral of the Assumption, built in 1689. In the 1990s, a number of ensemble buildings were restored after being destroyed during the Soviet time. Today, it is a functioning monastery.
Assumption Trifonov Monastery in KirovAssumption Trifonov Monastery, located on the embankment of the Vyatka River, is one

Слайд 13Alexandrovsky Garden
Alexandrovsky Garden is a fine example of park architecture of

provincial classicism. It was founded in 1825, when Emperor Alexander I visited Vyatka.
Alexandrovsky GardenAlexandrovsky Garden is a fine example of park architecture of provincial classicism. It was founded in

Слайд 14Serafim Sarovsky Church
Serafim Sarovsky Church was built in 1906. In 1937-1941,

the church was used as an anti-religious museum. In 1942, worship services were resumed and lasted until 1991. In Soviet times, it was the only open church in Kirov.
Serafim Sarovsky ChurchSerafim Sarovsky Church was built in 1906. In 1937-1941, the church was used as an

Слайд 15Other objects of cultural heritage in Kirov
Bulychev’s Mansion built under the

direction of the Vyatka architect I.A. Charushin ,
Monument of civil architecture “Prikaznaya izba” ,
Kirov fire station ,
Monument to V.M. Vasnetsov and A.M. Vasnetsov,
Central Hotel ,
The building of the gymnasium #2
The former Alexander Catholic Church
House of Soviets
Levitsky’s House
Church of John the Baptist
Railway station “Vyatka”.

Other objects of cultural heritage in KirovBulychev’s Mansion built under the direction of the Vyatka architect I.A.

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