Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Национальные эмблемы Великобритании

John Bull He is a national personification of Great Britain. John Bull is usually depicted as a stout man

Слайд 1The National Emblems of Great Britain

The National Emblems of Great Britain

Слайд 2John Bull

He is a national personification of Great Britain. John Bull is usually depicted as a stout man in a tailcoat with breeches and a Union Flag waistcoat. He also wears a low topper on his head and is often accompanied by a bulldog. Just like John Bull it symbolizes tenacity and force.

John Bull

Слайд 3Britannia
It is an ancient name of Great Britain that the Romans

gave to it.

The figure of Britannia has been on the reverse side of many British coins.

BritanniaIt is an ancient name of Great Britain that the Romans gave to it. The figure of

Слайд 4The National Flag of the UK
It is called the Union Jack.

is an old word which means “sailor”.
Union Jack is a mixture of several overlaid flags. It combines three flags representing England, Scotland and Ireland.

The National Flag of the UK It is called the Union Jack.“Jack” is an old word which

Слайд 5The National Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland

St. George’s Cross
the flag of the Patron Saint of England

St. Andrew’s cross
the flag of the Patron Saint of Scotland

St. Patrick’s Cross
the flag of the Patron Saint of Northern Ireland

The National Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland St. George’s Cross the

Слайд 6 The National Royal Symbols the Royal coat of arms
It comprises the

various Royal emblems of different parts of the United Kingdom. In the center of the emblem a heraldic shield is situated. It is divided into four parts: three gold leopards or lions on a red ground is the English emblem, a red lion on a gold ground is the Scottish emblem, yellow harp on a blue ground is the Irish emblem.

The National Royal Symbols the Royal coat of armsIt comprises the various Royal emblems of different

Слайд 7The National Symbol of England
The red rose is the symbol of

England. In the 15th century two Houses were struggling for the English throne – the Landcastrians and the Yorkists.
The National Symbol of EnglandThe red rose is the symbol of England. In the 15th century two

Слайд 8The National Symbol of Scotland
The purple thistle is Scotland’s national emblem.

According to the legend, ancient Scandinavians wanted to plunder the land of Scotland and settle there.
The National Symbol of Scotland The purple thistle is Scotland’s national emblem. According to the legend, ancient

Слайд 9The National Symbol of Wales
Wales has got two national symbols. These

are the daffodil and the leek.
According to the legend, during a battle against the Saxons, St. David advised his soldiers to wear leeks in their hats so that they could easily be distinguished from their enemies.

The National Symbol of Wales Wales has got two national symbols. These are the daffodil and the

Слайд 10The National Emblem of Northern Ireland
The shamrock is the symbol of

Northern Ireland. Saint Patrick is most famous for bringing Christianity to Ireland. The legend tells how he used the shamrock, a kind of a white clover with three leaves to explain the Holy Trinity.
The red hand is also a symbol of Northern Ireland.
The National Emblem of Northern Ireland The shamrock is the symbol of Northern Ireland. Saint Patrick is

Слайд 11Which country does this emblem belong to?
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland

Which country does this emblem belong to?Northern IrelandEnglandNorthern IrelandScotlandWalesWales

Слайд 12Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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