Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему At the dentist

New words:Dentist – стоматологDental- therapist-стоматолог-терапевтTo have some trouble with a tooth – что-то беспокоит (о зубах)To become loose- расшатыватьсяTo undergo a dental inspection-пройти осмотр стоматологаA tooth is neglected –зуб запущенTo cleanse a tooth –почистить зубTo drill

Слайд 1New theme:
At the dentist

New theme:At the dentist

Слайд 2New words:
Dentist – стоматолог
Dental- therapist-стоматолог-терапевт
To have some trouble with a tooth

что-то беспокоит (о зубах)
To become loose- расшатываться
To undergo a dental inspection-пройти осмотр стоматолога
A tooth is neglected –зуб запущен
To cleanse a tooth –почистить зуб
To drill a tooth – сверлить зуб
To put in a filling – поставить пломбу
(to stop a tooth, to fill a tooth)

New words:Dentist – стоматологDental- therapist-стоматолог-терапевтTo have some trouble with a tooth – что-то беспокоит (о зубах)To become

Слайд 3New words:
To pull out(extract) a tooth- удалить зуб
To deaden pain –

Dentures/ false teeth – искусственные зубы
Crown- коронка
Bridge –мост
Overcrowded teeth –скрученные зубы
To correct malocclusion- неправильный прикус
Prosthodontist –протезист
Dental mechanic – зубной техник, протезист

New words:To pull out(extract) a tooth- удалить зубTo deaden pain – обезболить Dentures/ false teeth – искусственные

Слайд 4Translate the sentenses
1. One must undergo dental inspection once or twice

a year.
If a tooth is not far gone ,the doctor will treat it.
The dentist will not put in a filling today, he will do it in two days.
The tooth can`t be stopped, it must be pulled out.
Translate the sentenses1. One must undergo dental inspection once or twice a year.If a tooth is not

Слайд 5 Read and translate
Every citizen of our country undergoes regularly dental

inspection and treatment in district stomatological polyclinics.There are three main departments in such polyclinics: a department of therapy, oral surgery and orthodontics and prosthetic dentistry department. Some laboratories and X-ray rooms are also attached to every dental polyclinic.
If you have some trouble with your tooth or bad toothache you should consult a dentist. He will examine your teeth and if he the aching tooth is not far gone he will stop it. He will clean and drill your tooth and then put in a filling. If your cavity is neglected (far gone) and it hurts you the dentist will treat your tooth. In the case the tooth is too bad to be stopped or treated, the dentist will put it out (extract a tooth).
Read and translateEvery citizen of our country undergoes regularly dental inspection and treatment in district stomatological

Слайд 6Before extracting a tooth he will apply some anaesthetic or give

an injection to deaden the pain.If you have some inflammation or an abscess in your mouse, if the teeth become loose and gums bleed, you should consult an
Mouth cavity, a qualified oral surgeon will operate on you. If you need dentures, bridges some false teeth or crowns you must consult a dental mechanic and he woill do everything you need. If you have instancing or outstanding teeth, overcrowded teeth or malocclusion, you must consult an orthodontist and get it corrected. Regular visit to a dentist, once or twice a year, proper oral care and good eating habits (a limited consumption of sweets in the first place) will protect youy from many dental diseases.
Before extracting a tooth he will apply some anaesthetic or give an injection to deaden the pain.If

Слайд 7Answer these questions
What departments are there in a stomatological polyclinics?
What must

a person do if he has a bad toothache?
What does a dentist begin his examination?
What does he do if a tooth is neglected?
What conditions need surgical treatment?
What is primary cause of dental diseases?
Answer these questionsWhat departments are there in a stomatological polyclinics?What must a person do if he has

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