Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему 10 великих изобретений XX века

Telephone The first telephone was demonstrated in the late nineteenth century, and the first mobile phone appeared in 70-ies of the twentieth century. When Martin Cooper, a Motorola employee of the Department for the development

Слайд 1Aircraft
In 1903, the year of American inventors, the Wright brothers successfully

test their "Flyer – 1", equipped with an engine. He was in the air for a whopping 59 seconds and flew over the kitty hawk 260 meters. This event is considered the inception of aviation.

AircraftIn 1903, the year of American inventors, the Wright brothers successfully test their

Слайд 2Telephone The first telephone was demonstrated in the late nineteenth century,

and the first mobile phone appeared in 70-ies of the twentieth century. When Martin Cooper, a Motorola employee of the Department for the development of portable devices showed colleagues pound the phone, they did not believe in the success of the new invention.
Telephone  The first telephone was demonstrated in the late nineteenth century, and the first mobile phone

Слайд 3Video recorder In 1944, the year of the Russian engineer-signalman Alexander Ponyatov

founded in America, the AMPEX company The concepts engaged in the manufacture of recording equipment, but in the early ' 50s focused on the development of the video
Video recorder In 1944, the year of the Russian engineer-signalman Alexander Ponyatov founded in America, the AMPEX

Слайд 4Tetris It was the first computer game from behind the "Iron curtain".

And although since then there are many new toys, "Tetris" remains the opening of the 20th century and remains attractive for its apparent simplicity and real complexity.
Tetris It was the first computer game from behind the

Слайд 5Parachute The idea of creating a parachute came to mind Leonardo da

Vinci. And several centuries later, with the advent of Aeronautics, started with a regular jumping balloons that hung half-opened parachutes.
Parachute The idea of creating a parachute came to mind Leonardo da Vinci. And several centuries later,

Слайд 6 Nuclear energy With the advent of ways to use nuclear energy for

life, mankind has made a huge breakthrough in the evolution of our planet. After all, today is the most cheap, efficient and inexhaustible source of energy. Because of this, the light and heat became accessible to everyone, but this became possible only in the twentieth century.
Nuclear energy With the advent of ways to use nuclear energy for life, mankind has made

Слайд 7Roentgen The discovery of x – rays- electromagnetic radiation with a wide

wavelength range. The discovery of X-rays Wilhelm Roentgen has greatly influenced human life and today without them it is impossible to imagine modern medicine.
Roentgen The discovery of x – rays- electromagnetic radiation with a wide wavelength range. The discovery of

Слайд 8Transistor The discovery of transistors. A device consisting of 2 p-n junctions,

which are directed towards each other. Due to its invention by Julius Lilienfeld, the technique began to shrink in size. The current of the first bipolar transistor in 1947 was presented by John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain.
Transistor The discovery of transistors. A device consisting of 2 p-n junctions, which are directed towards each

Слайд 9Wireless Create a wireless. The invention of Alexander Popov with Morse code

and radio signals for the first time saved the ship at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. But first patented a similar invention, Guglielmo Marcon.
Wireless Create a wireless. The invention of Alexander Popov with Morse code and radio signals for the

Слайд 10Pinitsylin Many diseases seem to us simple in treatment today, was deadly

for humans of previous centuries. It was not found means that help prevent the reproduction and growth of bacteria in the body. It was not until 1928, when British scientist Alexander Fleming had not discovered the first antibiotic, which in those days was called "penicillin". Today antibiotics are actively used in medicine, but may have not only positive but also negative effect.
Pinitsylin Many diseases seem to us simple in treatment today, was deadly for humans of previous centuries.

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