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Mothering Sunday was celebrated in Britain beginning in the 17th century

Слайд 1 Mothering Sunday in Britain
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Mothering Sunday in Britain  Презентацию подготовила преподаватель ин яз ОГБПОУ «ИКЛП» Сафронова О.В.

Слайд 2Mothering Sunday was celebrated in Britain beginning in the 17th century

Mothering Sunday was celebrated in Britain beginning in the 17th century

Слайд 3
In many places around the world people celebrate mothers’ day on

various days because the day has a number of different origins.
In Britain there is also a holiday which people call Mother's Day.
In many places around the world people celebrate mothers’ day on various days because the

Слайд 4In the old days many girls from poor families in the

country worked in rich houses. They often worked on Sundays, too.
Once a year, it was usually a Sunday in March, they could visit their mothers. They could stay at home only one day and then they went back to their work.
People called that day Mothering Day or Mothering Sunday.
In the old days many girls from poor families in the country worked in rich houses. They

Слайд 5On that day sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring

them flowers and presents.

The eldest son must bring his mother a good cake. If sons or daughters cannot be with their mother on that day, they usually send her presents.
On that day sons and daughters visit their mothers and bring them flowers and presents. The eldest

Слайд 6Now Mother's Day in Britain is the second Sunday in May.

In the United States and Canada Mother's Day is also the second Sunday in May.
Now Mother's Day in Britain is the second Sunday in May. In the United States and Canada

Слайд 7

Answer the Questions:

1. How is women’s day called in Britain?
2.What do

sons and daughters bring their mothers on that day?
3. Who must bring his mother a good cake?
4. When is Mother’s Day in Britain?
5. Do Americans and Canadians celebrate it also
on the second Sunday in May?
Answer the Questions:1. How is women’s day called in Britain?2.What do sons and daughters bring their mothers

Слайд 8
Автор (источник шаблона):
Дьячкова Наталья Анатольевна учитель биологии и ИЗО
МБОУ Верхнесоленовская

СОШ Веселовского района
Ростовской области сайт «http://pedsovet.su/»


Автор (источник шаблона): Дьячкова Наталья Анатольевна учитель биологии и ИЗОМБОУ Верхнесоленовская СОШ  Веселовского районаРостовской области

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