Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Кунгурская ледяная пещера

One of the most popular sights of Ural, is a nature sanctuary of the All-Russia value. The cave is in Perm Krai, on Sylva's right river bank on the suburb of the city of Kungur in

Слайд 1Кунгу́рская ледяна́я пеще́ра

Кунгу́рская ледяна́я пеще́ра

Слайд 2One of the most popular sights of Ural, is a nature

sanctuary of the All-Russia value. The cave is in Perm Krai, on Sylva's right river bank on the suburb of the city of Kungur in Filippovk's village, (in 100 km from Perm).
One of the most popular sights of Ural, is a nature sanctuary of the All-Russia value. The

Слайд 3The problem is that in our country isn't enough such sights,

and not everyone manages to see such beauty.
The problem is that in our country isn't enough such sights, and not everyone manages to see

Слайд 4To keep this beauty and not to spoil it, it is

necessary for people as it is possible to behave more accurately, to break nothing and so on. The nature presented on this cave, protect it.
To keep this beauty and not to spoil it, it is necessary for people as it is

Слайд 5The End
Кузин Антон 10’’A’’

The EndКузин Антон 10’’A’’

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