Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Do you watch weather forecast

It is sunnyIt is cloudyIt is stormyWhat is the weather like?

Слайд 1Go
Do you watch Weather forecast

GoDo you watch  Weather  forecast

Слайд 2

It is sunny

It is cloudy

It is stormy

What is the weather like?

Слайд 3

It is sunny

It is cloudy

It is stormy

What is the weather like?

Слайд 4

It is rainy

It is snowy

It is sunny

What is the weather like?

Слайд 5

It is sunny

It is rainy

It is frosty

What is the weather like?

Слайд 6

It is sunny

It is windy

It is wet

What is the weather like?

Слайд 7

It is foggy

It is stormy

It is sunny

What is the weather like?

Слайд 8

It is sunny

It is wet

It is foggy

What is the weather like?

Слайд 9

It is warm

It is hot

It is stormy

What is the weather like?

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