Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Знаменитые люди (7 класс УМК Кауфман)

Who said these words?We can do no great things, only small things with great love.If you want to be a programmer, you should write programs, and study great programs that other people have written.Russia will grow

Слайд 1Famous people
7 класс, 4 четверть, 9 раздел, 14(5,6) урок

Famous people7 класс, 4 четверть, 9 раздел, 14(5,6) урок

Слайд 2Who said these words?
We can do no great things, only small

things with great love.
If you want to be a programmer, you should write programs, and study great programs that other people have written.
Russia will grow with Siberia.
Every man dies, not every man really lives.
Who are we continue to speak?
Who said these words?We can do no great things, only small things with great love.If you want

Слайд 3Let’s remember about them.
Mother Teresa was a) a nun b) a

doctor c) a teacher
Bill Gates is a) a Scottish patriot b) a multimillionaire c) a great poet
Mikhail Lomonosov is a) Russian b) American c) English
The founder of the Moscow State University was a) B. Gates b) M. Lomonosov c) A. Pushkin
William Wallace fought against a) the English b) the Saxons c) the Vikings
… got the Nobel Peace Prize. a) Mother Teresa b) Bill Gates c) M. Lomonosov
Let’s remember about them.Mother Teresa was a) a nun b) a doctor c) a teacherBill Gates is

Слайд 4Mother Teresa.
1. Read the text about Mother Teresa (p. 203)
2. Fill

in the gaps in ex. 1 p. 205
in 1910 in Macedonia, a Catholic nun, the poor and the sick, the Nobel, had started, 500 centres, 90,000
3. Find in the text:
a) прилагательные в функции существительных
the sick, the poor
b) предложение в Past Perfect
She had started her work in Calcutta.
4. Do exercise 3 page 205.
Mother Teresa.1. Read the text about Mother Teresa (p. 203)2. Fill in the gaps in ex. 1

Слайд 5Bill Gates
1. Read the text about Bill Gates on page

2. Correct the mistakes in the sentences of ex. 4. p. 205
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T
3. Write the questions for the answers of ex. 5 p. 205
1. How old was he when he was sent to the expensive private school?
2. Who did he meet in this school?
3. Where did he go after school?
4. When did he leave Harvard?
5. Why did he leave Harvard?
Bill Gates 1. Read the text about Bill Gates on page 203. 2. Correct the mistakes in

Слайд 6Mikhail Lomonosov
1. Read the text about M. Lomonosov on p. 203

Write the names of the subjects:
geographer – Geography
chemist – Chemistry
physicist – Physics
mathematician – Mathematics
poet – poetry
writer – Writing
3. Answer the questions: What was Lomonosov?
What did he found?

Mikhail Lomonosov1. Read the text about M. Lomonosov on p. 2032. Write the names of the subjects:

Слайд 7William Wallace
1. Read the text about William Wallace (p. 203)
2. Complete

the sentences of ex. 8 p. 206
1. His name was William Wallace.
2. He lived in Scotland in the 13th century.
3. He was 20 when the English came to his country.
4. He fought against the English.
5. He was only 35 when his enemies caught and executed him.
6. He died for the freedom of his country.
William Wallace1. Read the text about William Wallace (p. 203)2. Complete the sentences of ex. 8 p.

Слайд 8Qualities of people
generous – щедрый

modest – скромный kind
ambitious – честолюбивый shy
intelligent – умный sociable
bossy – властный workaholic
serious – серьезный friendly
hard-working – трудолюбивый talented
lazy – ленивый brave
mean – жадный successful
Qualities of people generous – щедрый

Слайд 9Say your opinion.
What qualities do you respect in people?
What are the

worst qualities?
What qualities do all role models have?
What qualities do you have?
What qualities do you need if you want to be successful in life?
Say your opinion.What qualities do you respect in people?What are the worst qualities?What qualities do all role

Слайд 10Continue the sentence

Continue the sentence

Слайд 11Homework
B стр. 207 описать человека, на которого ты бы хотел походить

слова № 9 с. 206
HomeworkB стр. 207 описать человека, на которого ты бы хотел походить2)учить слова № 9 с. 206

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