Plural (көпше)
countable nouns refer to more than one person or thing:
books; teachers; wishes; apples
Singular (жекеше)
countable nouns refer to one person or thing:
a book; a teacher; a wish; an apple
We usually add –s to make a plural noun:
book = books; school =schools;
We add – es to nouns ending in –ss; -ch; -s; -sh; -x
class > classes; watch > watches
Some көпше түрдегі саналатын зат есімдермен қолданылады. There are some books. There are some apples
Uncountable nouns often refer to:
Substances: food; water; bread; milk
Human feelings: anger; happiness;
Activities: help; sleep; travel; work
Some жекеше түрдегі саналмайтын зат есімдермен қолданылады.
I have some cheese in the fridge.
There is some milk in the bottle
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
_____________ ___________
_____________ ___________
_____________ ___________
rice sugar butter water cheese
carrots eggs milk
tea bread apple juice
Anar has got _________ apple.
Alua needs ________ new phone.
How about ________cup of tea?
I’ve got ___________idea!
a a an an
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