Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему 'My Best Friend' (1 курс)

Julia is my best friend. We have been friends for about 4 years and always spend time together.

Слайд 1 My best friend
Done by:
Dobricheva Anastasiya,
the student of Ю-11group

образования и науки Приморского края
краевое государственное бюджетное
профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Спасский индустриальный -экономический колледж»

Skibitskaya O.A.

My best friend Done by: Dobricheva Anastasiya,the student of Ю-11groupДепартамент образования и науки Приморского края краевое

Слайд 2Julia is my best friend. We have been friends for about

4 years and always spend time together.

Julia is my best friend.  We have been friends for about 4 years and always spend

Слайд 3Julia has many hobbies. She is fond of sports, dance, pyrography

and drawing.
Julia has many hobbies. She is fond of sports, dance, pyrography and drawing.

Слайд 4She is always very responsive and supports me. She is a

very good girl though her character is not the best. But I don’t mind.
She is always very responsive and supports me. She is a very good girl though her character

Слайд 5 She is studying at the same college as me but her

future profession isn’t like mine. I am very glad that we are friends.
She is studying at the same college as me but her future profession isn’t like mine.

Слайд 6Literature:

Literature: https://yandex.ru/images/search?imghttps://yandex.ru/images/search?text=танцы&img_url=http%3A%2F%2F333v.ruhttps://vk.com/j.bruleva00?z=photo187628239_410515124%2Fphotos187628239https://vk.com/dobricheva1998?z=photo190593810_428287271%2Fphotos190593810

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