Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Экстремальные виды спорта

Extreme SportsDiving Rafting SkydivingSurfingSkateboardingMountain bikingBase jumping

Слайд 1Extreme Sports
ВЫПОЛНИЛА: Александрова М.В., учитель Английского языка, МБОУ «ЦО №26» г.

Extreme SportsВЫПОЛНИЛА: Александрова М.В., учитель Английского языка, МБОУ «ЦО №26» г. Тулы.

Слайд 2Extreme Sports
Mountain biking
Base jumping

Extreme SportsDiving Rafting SkydivingSurfingSkateboardingMountain bikingBase jumping

Слайд 3What is it?

What is it?

Слайд 4Why do people extreme sports?
To keep fit?
To look athletic?
To develop the

To feel joy and excitement?
To make families worry about them?
To show off?
To impress people around them?
To prove fearless they are?
To kill time?
Why do people extreme sports?To keep fit?To look athletic?To develop the body?To feel joy and excitement?To make

Слайд 5BASE jumping
It’s like skydiving but no planes or helicopters are used.

People jump from buildings, antennas, bridges (or spans) and cliffs (high parts of the Earth). This is why it’s called BASE. It’s name is made from the first letters of Building, Antenna, Span and Earth.
BASE jumpingIt’s like skydiving but no planes or helicopters are used. People jump from buildings, antennas, bridges

Слайд 6BASE jumping
It’s the most extreme of the extreme sports. The chance

of injury is very high. Some jumpers say that it is high as 90% and a bad injury or death is just a matter of time. Sometimes it happens that the parachute opens too late or doesn’t open at all, or the jumper miscalculates the speed of the wind or fails to notice something that can make the jump fatal.
BASE jumpingIt’s the most extreme of the extreme sports. The chance of injury is very high. Some

Слайд 7Answer the questions?
1. What sports do you like?
2. Do you like

3. Do you like skateboarding?
4. Are rafting and mountain biking dangerous?
5. Can you ride a mountain bike?
6. Why people do extreme sports?
Answer the questions?1. What sports do you like?2. Do you like diving?3. Do you like skateboarding?4. Are

Слайд 8Использованные ресурсы
1. Учебник «Английский с удовольствием» (9 класс) Биболетовой М.З., Денисенко

О.А., Трубаневой Н.Н., 2013.
2. https://images.rambler.ru
Использованные ресурсы1. Учебник «Английский с удовольствием» (9 класс) Биболетовой М.З., Денисенко О.А., Трубаневой Н.Н., 2013.2. https://images.rambler.ru

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