Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Module 1 1с My Country (6 класс)

  - Who is on duty today?  - I am on duty today. - What date is it today?  - Today is the second of September. – What day is it today? 

Слайд 1

Слайд 2  - Who is on duty today?  - I am on duty today.

- What date is it today?  - Today is the second of September. – What day is it today?  - Today is Monday (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).
-What’s the weather like today?  - It’s sunny and windy today.
–Who is absent today?  - Ivanov is absent today/ Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov are absent today. /All are present.  
  - Who is on duty today?  - I am on duty today.   - What

Слайд 4Countries and Nationalities

Countries and Nationalities

Слайд 5Countries and Nationalities

Countries and Nationalities

Слайд 6Exercise 1 Назови национальность
Example: I am from Russia - I am Russian
1. You are

from Germany; 2. Marty is from America; 3. My friends are from Spain; 4.She is from Japan; 5. Marcos is from Brazil; 6. The soldiers are from Great Britain.

Exercise 1 Назови национальность Example: I am from Russia - I am Russian1. You are from Germany; 2. Marty

Слайд 7Physical education's minute

Physical education's minute

Слайд 9North – South – West – East -

North –  South –  West –  East -

Слайд 10North – север South – юг West – запад East - восток

North – север South – юг West – запад East - восток

Слайд 14Home task: to write an information about your country

Home task: to write an information about your country

Слайд 15Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Bye.

Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Bye.

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