Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Канада

this is a map of Canada

Слайд 1this is Canada

this is Canada

Слайд 2this is a map of Canada

this is a map of Canada

Слайд 3the flag of Canada is a maple leaf

the flag of Canada is a maple leaf

Слайд 4the capital of Canada is Ottawa

the capital of Canada is Ottawa

Слайд 5in Canada, nature is very beautiful

in Canada, nature is very beautiful

Слайд 6New year in Canada meet on the 31st of December

New year in Canada meet on the 31st of December

Слайд 7in Canada there is a monument to the egg

in Canada there is a monument to the egg

Слайд 8Thank you for viewing
Apollonova Nastya

Thank you for viewingApollonova Nastya

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