Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Молодежные движения. Скауты

History of scoutingThe founder of the scouting movement is sir Robert Stephenson Smith Baden-Powell. When the Boer War began, there were few soldiers in the garrison. From that moment on, the colonel realized that he need

Слайд 1Scout movement

Scout movement

Слайд 2History of scouting
The founder of the scouting movement is sir Robert

Stephenson Smith Baden-Powell. When the Boer War began, there were few soldiers in the garrison. From that moment on, the colonel realized that he need to organize an auxiliary group of local boys. The colonel was amazed that the boys had fought as well as adults. The boys differed in character, courage and diligence. Baden-Powell decided to start preparing military intelligence officers from early childhood. Becoming a general and returning to England, Baden-Powell founded the scout Movement in 1907 in Great Britain. The first camp on Browse Island ( Great Britain ) was founded in 1907, and in 1908 the book ”Scouting for boys “ was published
History of scoutingThe founder of the scouting movement is sir Robert Stephenson Smith Baden-Powell. When the Boer

Слайд 3Origin of the motto
The origin of the motto is associated with

the following: February 12, 1908 in an article in the magazine “Boy Scouting”, the founder of the scout movement, Sir Robert Stevenson Smith Baden-Powell wrote: “Be prepared to die for your country, if necessary; so when the moment comes, leave the house with confidence and without thinking about whether they will kill you or not. ”

Origin of the mottoThe origin of the motto is associated with the following: February 12, 1908 in

Слайд 4Scout Emblem
The emblem of scouts is the lily used by 16

million scouts in many countries of the world. The three edges of the lily symbolize: a duty to yourself, to your neighbors, to God.

Scout EmblemThe emblem of scouts is the lily used by 16 million scouts in many countries of

Слайд 5Scout laws and scout promises
One of the principles of the scout

method is life based on promise and scout laws. Each person, entering into scouts, makes a promise.
The basis of the promise is 3 principles on which the whole scouting is built:
Duty to God
Duty to the motherland and others
Duty to oneself
Скаутское обещание: «Честным словом обещаю, что буду исполнять свой долг перед Богом и Родиной, помогать ближним и жить по законам скаутов »
Scout laws and scout promisesOne of the principles of the scout method is life based on promise

Слайд 6Scout laws
Scouts live by certain laws. In each organization, they

are formulated differently. As an example, we will cite laws from the Charter of the Organization of Russian Young Intelligence.

Законы разведчиков Организации российских юных разведчиков (см. Устав ОРЮР) :

Разведчик верен Богу, предан Родине, родителям и начальникам.
Разведчик честен и правдив.
Разведчик помогает ближним.
Разведчик друг всем и брат всякому другому разведчику.
Разведчик исполняет приказания родителей и начальников.
Разведчик вежлив и услужлив.
Разведчик друг животных и природы.
Разведчик бережлив и уважает чужую собственность.
Разведчик чист в мыслях, словах, делах, телом и душой.
Разведчик трудолюбив и настойчив.
Разведчик весел и никогда не падает духом.
Разведчик скромен.
Scout laws Scouts live by certain laws. In each organization, they are formulated differently. As an example,

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