Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему My future profession Teacher

There are many different and important professions: doctors, economists, lawyers and other specialities. But among them I like the profession of a teacher.

Слайд 1Project “ My future profession”

Made by: Tatyana Novikova
6 a form Liceum №4 Teacher

: Chernykh Natalya Ivanovna
Project  “ My future profession” Made by: Tatyana Novikova6 a form  Liceum №4  Teacher

Слайд 2 There are many different and important professions: doctors, economists,

lawyers and other specialities. But among them I like the profession of a teacher.

There are many different and important professions: doctors, economists, lawyers and other specialities. But among

Слайд 3When I grow up I would like to be a teacher.

The teacher should be clever, gentle, sympathetic, kind, interesting. I think I’ll be a good teacher because I like to work with children, play with them, take care of them. I have time to learn this profession.I have to be patient and hardworking.

When I grow up I would like to be a teacher. The teacher should be clever, gentle,

Слайд 4I’m sure it’s the best profession for me,I’ll be happy if

I succeed in it.

I’m sure it’s the best profession for me,I’ll be happy if I succeed in it.

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